CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 20: The Secret Art of Gokui

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GOSH...only 10 posts! :surprised:
I'm glad for not to watch this episode, it must be really bad... -_-

Sailor Yue-chan:

after reading the summery i have one thing: isnt sakura suposed to have nothing but GOOD luck!?

looking at the preview...looks lie we got to see "the gate" for the first time this season. been a while seens they showed the transension.

also...could someone fix the grammer of the newest addition to the list?

itetsuku mitama
to freeze spirit of a deceased person

EDIT: i just relized...i dont have ANY of the next 3 episodes on my guide. please help T_T

(talking abotu freezing...i hope they dont try to do fanservice for fai fans...theyd make it terrible T_T)

Episode 20 showed another clamp's favorite theme --- the concept of shadow and light (yin/yang).

Now with only few episode to go, trc needs some strong story line to end it dramatically.

I agree Sanlyn. I'm starting to not to watch anime...It's pityful...some faces remind me Shinchan...XDD :hehe:


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