CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 20: The Secret Art of Gokui

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What was this episode about? O.o
I stop watching at #40 because the others don't have any subs yet... -_-

these are the screenshots of episode 46  :shifty:...,RNWE:2005-45,RNWE:fr%26sa%3DN

you want to know what is the only good thing of this episode?
it is the LAST image,because it shows that they are AT LAST leaving this boring world :haha:  :

I hope that they will arrive in the x world in episode 48, so the fillers can stop.


--- Quote from: Sandra-chan on October 01 2006, 06:36 am ---I hope that they will arrive in the x world in episode 48, so the fillers can stop.

--- End quote ---
No, 48 is a filler world too- it has Charme and Keefer from episode 16. xd

Oh no.. Returning to an "old" world again?! Beetrain must be out of ideas.. There are more fillers now than ordinary episodes in this season.


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