CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

[TRC] Music Discussions Thread

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Hm....i still don't think this song is Maaya's best performance....but i think i'll soon get used to it and fall in love with it.

yea...i can actually imagine them walking towards some sunset or moon or some really paint-artist-looking-background behind their back/or either they're walking towards it.

But see how it turns out...might turn out totally different and i'll be pretty surprised.  :hehe:

OMG this is so weird.. i was totally invisioning the same thing.. haha.. yea it's like sumlike like an inuyasha ending.. or they would b walking and the backround changes from world to world probably..

Little Wolf:
^ yeah.. that would be cool. different countries... :D


--- Quote from: lika-chi on April 05 2005, 06:00 am ---OMG this is so weird.. i was totally invisioning the same thing.. haha.. yea it's like sumlike like an inuyasha ending.. or they would b walking and the backround changes from world to world probably..

--- End quote ---

oh i have a different image in my brain....that is totally a great idea. But you never know it might be only Syaoran on one side of the screen and the images of the countries flashing at the different countries, different scenes, memories. hm...we are a bunch of imaginative ppl arent we XD


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