CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
[TRC] Music Discussions Thread
Little Wolf:
--- Quote from: lumizstar on April 09 2005, 01:42 am ---0.o Just a random queston : Will they use this ending throughout the series?
--- End quote ---
well, if it's really only gonna be 26 episodes then the answer to that is Yes. If there's a new season then there'll be new songs. :)
I LOVE It ^^
But you know that rule of sticking to the same ending throughout? i found one exception. Just one. Angelic Layer; the same opening played throughout, but they had 13 episodes of one ending, Starry Sky, and the other 13 of the second ending, Ame Agari.
I hope Tsubasa is longer than 26 episodes, I hope Clamp make the manga much more longer *prays to Anime gods*
Miss Jenni-Maie:
I'm sure EVERYONE wishes that it's longer.
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