CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Preview Clip of TRC Epsiode 1!!!!!!!!!!OMG!

<< < (6/10) > >>

True. :) :(

Little Wolf:

--- Quote from: ashleygurl on April 03 2005, 02:49 pm ---thx!!!! What are cookies anyway? (is this a dumb question XD)

--- End quote ---

I'll answer that in the cookies topic in the news/announcements forum. :)

Hey great i really like the video. great going ashley! :okay:

i'll agree on the eyes. they're just messed up

Hi, I am Ecchigo from Kancho Fansubs (the ones who brought you the first promo), we have released the translated version of this video yesterday in late afternoon.  Please visit us at Kancho fansubs!!

And to whoever sent us that email, I'm adding the link to your site as soon has possible!  It would be great if you would mention our name in the News box too.. matters less for the new one since we added our logo, but the first one wasn't signed or anything.

Note: Although we used Shaoran in the preview, for the actual series we are going to use Syaoran.  Heck the french version (the one I read) uses Shaolan for his name.


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