CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Preview Clip of TRC Epsiode 1!!!!!!!!!!OMG!

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0.o Its a very nice preview. ^^ One comment about the vas in TRC: Well Syaoran seems cool, although I'm not used to the new voice he got now :P. But for Sakura...well...she and also her voice was...funny ^^' But is was already better than the one before. ^^ My friend mmade a joke on the preview about noobs watching the preview...hehe

Lady Oscar:

Thank you very much ^_______^

what ever the jap spelling is that's what it should be... i prefer syaoran and fye though

Little Wolf:

--- Quote from: SLi on April 05 2005, 08:53 pm ---'Shaoran' is how is pronouced (not sure but), and if you watch the eigth episode where he appears in CCS (Sakuras Rival Appears - I think its called), the teacher writes on the board: Shaoran Li

--- End quote ---

That's the Chinese way of writing it...I think but I just prefer Syaoran. I love the y! :lol:

:dies and comes back:

OMG!!!!! I knew that Tsubasa was popular, and that an anime was pretty much likely to be made... but I didn't know it would be so soon!!!!! AND A CLIP!!!! WOO!!! I dunno... have many times have i watched it? xD


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