General Discussions > The "What" Board

Whats your favorite snack?

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--- Quote from: Renaya on October 04 2006, 07:57 am ---I think this should go to "what" board, but anyway,

I love chocolate and gummy jelly (like starburst), my hand and mouth never stop :XD:

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Good idea...makes me wonder why TEH MODZ haven't made it so.

What is this...reviving old threads week?!!

sam mogford:
Sorry arcade man. i've been going through all the old threads! :heh:

My favorite type of Snacks is the W.T.SNACKS type :3

--- Quote from: Arcademan on April 05 2007, 03:59 pm ---Good idea...makes me wonder why TEH MODZ haven't made it so.

What is this...reviving old threads week?!!

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It's like a blast from the past.

Miss Jenni-Maie:
Well, if it means anything, a little reviving is EXACTLY what we need around here!

My favourite snack? Uhh... well, lately I've been snacking on mini-rice cakes, but I love my chocolate! No denying it! And strawberries and oranges. I love my fruit, too.

I like any kind of chocolate. <3


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