CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions
Chapter 131
--- Quote from: Tatasenko on October 08 2006, 09:53 pm ---hey,don't worry,i'm not going to disappear again,i missed my forum family too much!
i just need to find the good balance between my work,Tales of Phantasia,and Tsubasa reservoir chronicle :keke:!
you are right about Mokona,i think that the other reason why Yuuko asked him to sleep was because she knew he needed to rest his little saddened heart :sad5:
what i find funny in the recents chapters (yes,because there is at least one thing that can make us laught :haha:),is that everyone slept a little during all this events:
Sakura after Clone Shaolan left her,Fai after he has received the vampire blood,Kurogane while he was watching over Fai,and Mokona when Fai finally woke up...peharps they find the manga boring :sweatdrop:?
i hope Sakura isn't going to sleep again when she come back even if she is wounded,because i want them to MOVE!
oups,Shaolan is the only one who hasn't slept yet...he better stays awake :angry:!
--- End quote ---
hohoho, seems most of them is lack of sleep in the recent chapters, well I think Sakura had too much sleeping, followed by Fai for what?3-4 chapters and Kurogane and Mokona only sleep in one chapter :sweatdrop:, BUT for R!Syao....he's been like ...what....sleeping since the beginning of manga, and fully awaken in the volume 15, and as for C!Syao...God (CLAMP) knows where he is and what's he doing now... :tongue:
oh, yeah, I didn't notice that! XD
Everyone got a good sleep-time in Tokyo.
Tokyo - the sleepy city. Okay, well, that's a bit overdue, but....
>.< still to say, I hope Faimommy and Kurodaddy don't get into too much of a fight. I'd hate to see that.
Yeah! Kuro Fai stuff in the next chapter, can't wait :greengrin:
I can't wait for chappie 132! Finally a KuroFai confrontation! I hope they get out of that world! Will R/Syaoran go with them? I hope!
I hope they don't fight TOO much :/
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