AuthorTopic: Chapter 131  (Read 38914 times)

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Offline nefadol

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #20 on: October 05 2006, 04:32 am »
Am I the only one having trouble with Sakura's adventure?
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I mean, she freaking slammed her head on the wall, hard enough to draw those amounts of blood, yet she got up and was like hey whateverzz I am going to finish my quest. She's not a warrior, she isn't someone who trained at all, she isn't someone who has gone through intense physical conditioning to prepare her for something as difficult as this... I refuse to believe that her "will-power" makes her able to keep on going after such extreme injuries without taking at least one little break. I mean, it's a freaking fantasy manga but seriously... unless we uncover Sakura has sekrit super powers or something (I've been watching Heroes) then I am just left thinking "What the hell? Oh please, spare me." and rolling my eyes. The fingernails were one thing, but massive trauma to the head? Come on. It's too much coming out of nowhere.

It's probably a mix of adrenaline, will power, and pent up energy from all that sleep. >_<  She'll probably collapse real soon, I can't see her climbing down from where she's at (it's rather high up, right?).  She will make it back as xxxHolic showed us, but how is the question.

Next chapter is the last of the volume, so I hope Sei-chan'll pop up and cause some more chaos. ^_^

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #21 on: October 05 2006, 04:41 am »
I mean, she freaking slammed her head on the wall, hard enough to draw those amounts of blood, yet she got up and was like hey whateverzz I am going to finish my quest. She's not a warrior, she isn't someone who trained at all, she isn't someone who has gone through intense physical conditioning to prepare her for something as difficult as this... I refuse to believe that her "will-power" makes her able to keep on going after such extreme injuries without taking at least one little break. I mean, it's a freaking fantasy manga but seriously... unless we uncover Sakura has sekrit super powers or something (I've been watching Heroes) then I am just left thinking "What the hell? Oh please, spare me." and rolling my eyes. The fingernails were one thing, but massive trauma to the head? Come on. It's too much coming out of nowhere.

I can understand your point on this but really, there is so much more to Sakura then what we've seen in the past 16 volumes. I agree that CLAMP is kind of over-doing it with all of her injuries but it makes a bigger statement. Sakura obviously isn't normal and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if she was the most powerful of the group magically, mentally, and physically(b/c of her power). Sakura's soul as seen in CCs is powerful and I could believe easily that her "will-power" could get her through anything. Its part of her secret spell.
At the same time, though, its happening way too fast and its all crammed together. We all knew Sakura had it in her but from seeing her go from sleeping Beauty to Laura Croft in just a few chapters is a bit TOO much.

I liked this "quest" for Sakura, though, and i enjoyed the chapter. I'm happy to focus on something other than KuroxFai and I really think a major issue that keeps being pushed aside is R!Syaoran AND ESPECIALLY C! Syaoran.

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #22 on: October 05 2006, 04:52 am »
I sometimes think Clamp have Beetrain in mind when they do these chapters. It's sort of likes a 'Let's see you handle this you *cuts out the bad language* "

I think Clamp are pushing her a little too much, but as long as she collapses and is completely exhausted in every single way afterwards I'll buy this. But saying that, if I was in her situation I too would've done the same thing - though not surviving the head banging or
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so quickly walked through acid water.

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #23 on: October 05 2006, 04:56 am »
oh.....those are some bloody scenes...... i can't really understand how sakura can move with that thing in her leg  :sad5: but i'm glad that she finally got the egg  :okay: and i really want to know what syaoran and kuro are talking about  :(

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #24 on: October 05 2006, 05:12 am »
Ok, I'm not going to get into gory details but several family members have worked as EMT's or in the medical field, and the extraordinary things they see from everyday "ordinary" people are amazing.  It is amazing how much sheer will power can get you through.

  Now that being said, any single of Sakura's feathers was a HUGE deal. One was considered the strongest power source of the world (piffle world), another was able to grant any wish and temporarily raised multiple dead people, and one protected an entire building and water source from corruption.  Sakura has retrieved how many now?
  Think about the sheer amount of power this girl has within her at this point!  She may not be full strength yet, but her power probably rivals Fye's.  We haven't seen what this power can really do in her hands yet, but self preservation is strong and often instinctual.  So I wouldn't doubt that those considerable magical powers of hers are helping keep her alive and aware.

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #25 on: October 05 2006, 05:16 am »
What a cool chapter O.o

*still can't wait for the translation* ^^
Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Germany....

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #26 on: October 05 2006, 05:28 am »
Even if it is her magical powers and all that stuff, it just seems like too much too fast. It didn't develop or anything, she just jumped straight into all these things and that is what bothers me the most. Not the fact that she is actually doing them, but the fact that she went from *sleep* to having amazing physical abilities in no time.

I just mean that her being able to go on continously without a tiny break after having a metal rod go through her leg, her fingernails being ripped off and her fingers and body torn up, AND being slammed with such huge force against a wall and practically cracking her head open... it's just a bit too much in my eyes.

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #27 on: October 05 2006, 05:32 am »
Ah, ladydarkmoon missed two pages at the end of this chapter .o. She's posted them up on her journal now though. ~link for convenience XD

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #28 on: October 05 2006, 05:37 am »
Oooh. NIce chapter, I can't wait to hear what Syaoran says about the emblem. *hearts angsty Kuro*

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #29 on: October 05 2006, 05:38 am »
oh damn,i checked again Ladydarkmoon's livejournal and i found out that she has forgotten TWO pages at the end of the chapter that she rectified after  :sweatdrop:!
so those who have downloaded the chapter just after i posted the new topic have to download it again if they want to see a heartbreaking Sakura crying over her missing Shaolan  :keke:

here the two last scans 21 and 22 :

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Offline nefadol

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #30 on: October 05 2006, 05:40 am »
Ah, ladydarkmoon missed two pages at the end of this chapter .o. She's posted them up on her journal now though. ~link for convenience XD

Thanks for pointing that out, I probably wouldn't have noticed until Chibiyuuto cleaned them.  Really need a translation, besides action scenes this chapter is dialog heavy.  Sakura's probably feeling rather lonely right now. -_-

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #31 on: October 05 2006, 05:43 am »
The translations are up on inarikami LJ
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if I am not aloud to put them here than I'll delete them.

ps. minus the last to pages.

can anyone translated it please.

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #32 on: October 05 2006, 05:51 am »
dont have alot of timje...ill read it, but later ill pst my vriews ^^

nvm...ill post now..
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that thing thru sakura's leg... >____< major nastyness.

poor kuro. he looks so tired. he's been thru hell the past few hours real.

as to the missing page translations...
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i think on the last page sakur asays syaoran's name..i think...
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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #33 on: October 05 2006, 06:26 am »
eeep Clamp are so violent ^^;

The last page was beautiful <3

Offline nefadol

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #34 on: October 05 2006, 06:27 am »
Translation for the missing pages is up now at Inarikami's LJ.

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"Even after this... I hurt others... I take away something... for a selfish reason...I surely will pay for it...Because I did all this...But... even so...I want to get your lost heart back...Shaoran-kun..."

.....she sounds like Kamui!  I never thought I'd equate Sakura to Kamui, but she said pretty much the same thing he said in X. o_O

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #35 on: October 05 2006, 06:33 am »
Oh, Sakura-chan...our little girl is all grown up and fighting snake monsters...I'm so proud!

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #36 on: October 05 2006, 06:48 am »
Wow, Sakura-chan is really getting out there, isn't she?

I don't really think CLAMP are overdoing it too much - sheer willpower really does count for alot. That little egg thingy might have been the kid of the snake monster, but that's jsut my weirdo theory. O_o

Sakura has got alot in her. I really love how she's all serious now, though I expect her just to fall asleep right then and there. ^^'' That would be sooo sakura.

I hope they tune back to Kuro and Fai soon. I understand I'm being a bit selfish, as they've gotten alot of their own plot, even thought they're not main characters, but a fan can't help her needs.

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #37 on: October 05 2006, 07:08 am »
Personally I think CLAMP's waay over doing the whole Sakura bit. xd I love Sakura getting a spine and wouldn't have it any other way, but it's all too quick and over-the-top.

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When Kurogane tells Syaoran that they need to decide what to do before Sakura comes back- wtf? She doesn't get a say in what you do? Fai doesn't get a say? After all, he's not there either. Seriously, wtf is with that? The big manly men get to decide? Meh. -_-
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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #38 on: October 05 2006, 07:18 am »
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poor sakura. all in the name of syaoran kun! she sure has changed in the course of these chapters ^^; but I am getting tired of X world and wish to move on -_-;

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Re: Chapter 131
« Reply #39 on: October 05 2006, 07:19 am »
Am I the only one having trouble with Sakura's adventure?
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I mean, she freaking slammed her head on the wall, hard enough to draw those amounts of blood, yet she got up and was like hey whateverzz I am going to finish my quest. She's not a warrior, she isn't someone who trained at all, she isn't someone who has gone through intense physical conditioning to prepare her for something as difficult as this... I refuse to believe that her "will-power" makes her able to keep on going after such extreme injuries without taking at least one little break. I mean, it's a freaking fantasy manga but seriously... unless we uncover Sakura has sekrit super powers or something (I've been watching Heroes) then I am just left thinking "What the hell? Oh please, spare me." and rolling my eyes. The fingernails were one thing, but massive trauma to the head? Come on. It's too much coming out of nowhere.

I find it pretty unbelievable as well.

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