CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions

chapter 132

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I was like aww  when Show contentfai hugged sakura at the end it was so sweet.

Mmm...I love the KuroFay stuff in this chapter.  I thought it was so adorable how sad they were when they were talking to each other.  You can tell they really care a lot about each other and don't like the way things currently stand between them.

And the Fay/Sakura hug was just too cute!

--- Quote from: Spoonful on October 10 2006, 11:58 pm ---Here's what I'm not getting:

Why don't the people just provide a link to the scans? That's not the same as reposting them. And if the scanner doesn't even like that idea, basically meaning that s/he doesn't want anyone to see them at all, why did s/he scan them in the first place?

--- End quote ---

The person would know anyway that someone linked the scans from all the extra hits.  If it's on s/h/it's own server than I can see why they wouldn't want a lot of extra people seeing them.

As for why the scanner doesn't want them reposted, I don't get that either but I know various scanlations groups who are like that.  I guess they feel that people won't credit them.

why is it always when there is a huge amount of KuroFai that i'm late  :angry:???

i'm totally hypnotized,there is SO MANY beautiful faces of Fai in this chapter that i feel like if i was drowning  :rotfl:!
Fai hasn't smile for ALL a chapter,it's unbelievable,and the most peculiar is that he let his mask down while now he really has one : his bandanna which is covering his left eye and half his face  :sweatdrop:

Kurogane is starting to slowly reach his aim,by pushing harder Fai to the edge,just a little more before he breaks down entirely,and there will be only to way for Fai to collapse : he will either fight with anger,or else cry desperately  :sad5:...

moreover,when Fai is hugging Sakura,he really seems to be about to cry because he bits his lower lips to calm himself.
even if he doesn't have the will to live,he really has a amazing will to hide his sadness  :okay:

I really have nothing productive to add to the conversation. So I'll just enjoy the beauty of it. <33333 This is such a gorgeous chapter.

:D I am pretty speechless at the moment. The text was good but as they say, images speak ten times more than words!
The hug in the end... *melts*

(The cat's eye association came to me late one evening but I half forgot about it. Yuuko! There is definitely no one like her.)

Show contentOh, one random thing I noticed from the last scan - Fai had no shoes on, does he?! (I know he had none in the vampire-changing chapter but forgot it with his zeal to go after Sakura so evident)  :tongue: How far he would have gotten without those in Tokyo is questionable, I can just imagine Kuro hiding the shoes  :tongue3: :wink:. (Where did they get anyway, he must have had shoes when he jumped into the water to confront the soon-to-be-Cloney?).


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