CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 23: The Distorted Wish

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WTH?! another filler?! and they say it has three parts?!?! three episodes?!?! for this stupid crap?!?!? *dies*

CLAMP should really think of switching studios....

Screencaps are out.  I weep for Sei-chan. >_<

LTC is gonna have a field day with this. :haha:


--- Quote from: nefadol on October 16 2006, 12:38 pm ---Screencaps are out.  I weep for Sei-chan. >_<

LTC is gonna have a field day with this. :haha:

--- End quote ---

i think the art/animation is pretty good actually O.o

I weep more so that they brought him back at all (even if it is fake).  He shouldn't show his face until after we see Subaru, it kills any suspense of seeing him after such a long time (seeing as he hasn't appeared once since he left Outo in the manga besides a spash page...).

Those scenes are perfect for LTC though. :keke:

it's not that bad for me..but I agree with the fact that Kuro shouldn't have been defeated easily...


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