CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 23: The Distorted Wish

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--- Quote from: hack.< on October 16 2006, 02:48 pm ---ahhh, i used to love tsubasa chronicle anime
especially season 1. i love the OP and the ED and
i love the episodes.
but now.... i haven't watch this in like forever
i hope to get on track though
when beetrain finally make it more realistic

--- End quote ---

lol yeah season 1 was awesome, and the OP and ED were better ^^

Arg.  It seemed like they were too tired to finish the episode off with that ten minutes worth of the same shot of Chaos and the same, poorly animated, shot of Syaoran.  It was embarassing to watch ><

I'm not even going to go into Fay and Kurogane being taken out like that.....At least they got to escape those last few minutes....

Poor Yuuko.  She doesn't deserve to be so badly animated :(


--- Quote from: KratosAurion on October 16 2006, 02:08 pm ---lol i can't wait for the subbed episode. So many bad comments makes me want to watch it even more
--- End quote ---

Ditto, I just had to see the horribleness for myself.

Me, I don't think the concept in itself was the worst Beetrain has come up with - I actually find it pretty decent - it's how they pull it off that makes it suck.

Show contentBy that I mean, the animation. Seishirou. Mage and ninja being so easily defeated. Ugh!
By the way, what is it that Chaos keeps calling Sakura? Hime-jimi? What does that mean?

I wondered about that too.. (Hime-jimi or whatever he says..)

*groan* What in the world is BeeTrain doing!? I haven't even wanted to watch this episode, it sees lame! I watched it, seems interesting, the music was great as always! But Yuuko! What did they do to you!?

Plus, why did they destroyed Hien? Doesn't that changes the storyline? Why hasn't Clamp said anything?! CCS wasn't so horrible!  :cry:

When Ashura transformed into Fai, I began thinking; "What if Fai sealed Ashura because he (Ashura) was going to frame Fai of doing something he didn't do, by transforming into Fai?"


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