CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 23: The Distorted Wish

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--- Quote from: Airashii on October 17 2006, 05:33 am ---*groan* What in the world is BeeTrain doing!? I haven't even wanted to watch this episode, it sees lame! I watched it, seems interesting, the music was great as always! But Yuuko! What did they do to you!?
--- End quote ---

You know that's just some random person cosplaying Yuuko that Beetrain hired, right?  The real Yuuko can't exist in the Tsubasa anime, she'd die without her liquor! XD

...seriously, Production I.G. did her and Mokona right (look at the correct proportions!):

Sailor Yue-chan:
randome curiosity blocks hot/direct links. you have you upload them to your own servers!

Someone pointed this out at RandomC, but Syaoran looked at Sakura with his right eye...

...isn't he supposed to be blind in that eye?  Beetrain's being plain stupid.


--- Quote from: nefadol on October 17 2006, 07:39 am ---Someone pointed this out at RandomC, but Syaoran looked at Sakura with his right eye...

...isn't he supposed to be blind in that eye?  Beetrain's being plain stupid.

--- End quote ---

How dumb can they get! Please someone stop them before they do anything else.

Yes, they must go down!


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