CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 23: The Distorted Wish

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Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: sanlyn on October 19 2006, 12:12 am ---Sorry guys to tell everyone..... it seems like the filler will continue 'til the end of second season and yes i am refering to King Chaos arc.

 next episode -- The Group's Determination (決意のナカマ)
25.  Freezing Mitama (凍てつくミタマ)
26. The Wings Of Tomorrow (明日へのツバサ)

maybe the script writers run out of idea for the filler.

--- End quote ---
a 5 episode crap filler? -_- god.

Oh, three episodes were fine, but 5 episodes!!! -_- They should do the omakes in anime.

O_O what the h*eck!!!! 5 EPISODES FOR SOME FILLER?!?!?! *dies*

Sailor Yue-chan:
i was hoping, even tho im not watching the anime, that episde 52 would be soem randome filler, like 26 was (even tho 26 broke the rules) they need to end the season with soemthing cute and randome and standalone, not end it with the ending of an arc :S

I got a feeling that there's some mysteries behind King Chaos and its related to syaoran  or else what's the point of making both of them look the same.


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