CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 23: The Distorted Wish

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Yeah people who like the anime and haven't read the manga really should read it and see that the anime isn't good...

I still can't believe this... I give up on the anime, seriously!!
How could they do this?? O_O

I was having a conversation with a friend on MSN last night and she told me something that kinda bugged me...
She said that the authors always see the episode first and then they say if it's ok or not to show it... So, do you think that Clamp actually accepted THAT?? Cuz I can't see this happening!! >_<

No there's no way clamp can like or accept these fillers.


--- Quote from: Kazuki on October 23 2006, 06:24 am ---I still can't believe this... I give up on the anime, seriously!!
How could they do this?? O_O

I was having a conversation with a friend on MSN last night and she told me something that kinda bugged me...
She said that the authors always see the episode first and then they say if it's ok or not to show it... So, do you think that Clamp actually accepted THAT?? Cuz I can't see this happening!! >_<

--- End quote ---

Okay that's not true. I take you back to when Hellsing the anime series was on, that went completely away from the manga and the author publically said that they were not happy with the anime at all. If they had their way it wouldn't have been shown.

There is no way Clamp would allow this, but I also doubt they have much say in this series which is why I believe they purposely got more involved with XxxHolic's series

what a shame,Fai using magic to cook, like if it was something more important that his engagement!
at this rate Fai is going to use magic to dress up,to clean the laundry,to do dishes,to pass the hoover,and even to comb his hair  :dodge:...

the most irritating is that it is not a matter of time if Beetrain is devastated the anime,because they are going more faster than the manga,so they have plenty time to polish the animation and to round off the scenario,their work is like giving mud to pigs  :angry:


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