CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 23: The Distorted Wish

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To cook.


Whether or not CLAMP is happy with the Tsubasa anime, I doubt they'd do anything about it.

Show content Oh god, what is with Sakura? She was more competent than this back in Jade, for crying out loud! And Fai using his magic for a little thing like cooking is just silly. He's good enough, even if it's a potion - that's why he's so good at cooking, isn't it? Because it's like mixing potions. Why doesn't Chaos just pwn Syaoran like his did Fai and Kurogane? HOW CAN CHAOS POSSIBLY HAVE THAT MANY FEATHERS? It just doesn't make sense. Should that many feathers even exist in the first place. And the drawings are so, so ugly at some points.

Just Watched Part 1 off Youtube..not sure I wanna watch the rest of the episode.

Lets see...Syaoran was defeated as well, but at least not easily as Fay and Kuro.

Mokona went crazy when Chao spread his wings...just how many feathers does he has? O_O

Enough to grant him the power to cross dimensions apparently.

Throughout this whole episode, Fai had one eye bigger than the other. W.T.F.

I don't think I need to mention the hideous character rape. Also, Sakura doing squat to help anyone, not even realling banging her hands against that spell green-Syaoran put her in? Come on. Sakura's proven she can kick ***, so why doesn't BeeTrain let her instead of making her into some lame damsel in distress?

There's no seperate post for S2 24 yet....?

I don't think I've ever seen so much zooming in and out of the same (very poorly animated) shot of a character in any show ><  It nearly killed me that the episode started like that....

--- Quote from: Emiko on October 23 2006, 11:44 am ---Throughout this whole episode, Fai had one eye bigger than the other. W.T.F.

--- End quote ---

And whenever there's a shot of Kurogane, it looks like he has just smelled something bad.

I miss Fay's gorgous blue eyes :(


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