CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 23: The Distorted Wish

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Sailor Yue-chan:
beetrain has stollen their bishiness!! their no longer bishis!!! T_T and sakura is no longer cute. their full of fugliness now! BAKA BEETRAIN HOW COULD YOU!


--- Quote from: Mari on October 23 2006, 12:59 pm ---There's no seperate post for S2 24 yet....?

I don't think I've ever seen so much zooming in and out of the same (very poorly animated) shot of a character in any show ><  It nearly killed me that the episode started like that....

And whenever there's a shot of Kurogane, it looks like he has just smelled something bad.

I miss Fay's gorgous blue eyes :(

--- End quote ---

Wah!! what happened to Sakura's face!? notice the difference!!!

Sailor Yue-chan:
is it wrong for me to say that the season 2 tachi look even uglier then FWR?

sailor yue,the quality of season 2 IS....bad!!
but,in my country they have aired it on TV....

okay guys!!we should kick BEE-TRAIN!!   :angry:
these people ARE the staffs of BEE-TRAIN!!   :angry:

Studio: Bee-Train
Director: Koichi Mashimo
Editor/Screenwriter: Hiroyuki Kawasaki
Character Design: Minako Shiba
Color Design: Makiko Kojima
Art Supervisor: Shin Watanabe
Special Effects: Masahiro Murakami
Director of Photography: Katsuaki Kamata
Sound Producer: Toru Nakano

Sailor Yue-chan:

i just saw a cap of when mokona kisses i want to gouge my etyes out. i want to make a kuro-is-teh-hotness avatar with a miilion shots of Oiki-wanko. kuro-sama...he nolonger exists in the anime. x_x


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