CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 23: The Distorted Wish

<< < (19/21) > >>

Even poor Yuuko wasn't spared. 

As if they haven't abused her enough by making her wear the same dress in every appearance >< Except the last scene in the movie


--- Quote from: Mari on October 24 2006, 02:47 am ---Even poor Yuuko wasn't spared.

As if they haven't abused her enough by making her wear the same dress in every appearance >< Except the last scene in the movie

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she does not wear the same dress everytime...she wears something different in one of the Outo episodes when mokona talks to her through the mirror XD

I think what Mari is trying to get across is that Beetrain have had many chances to show Yuuko in the different outfits, as they are in the TRC chapters, but have just left her in the usual outfit...

I'm not a KxF fangirl, but...WHY????? WHAT HAPPENED TO FAI'S EYES?????? HE LOOKS LIKE SHINCHAN!!!! :angry: :cry:

*cries in a corner of room"


--- Quote from: kixie on October 24 2006, 03:09 am ---I think what Mari is trying to get across is that Beetrain have had many chances to show Yuuko in the different outfits, as they are in the TRC chapters, but have just left her in the usual outfit...

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BT is really lazy in animating....


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