Fan Work > TRC Fan Creations

(KuroFai and "clonecest") Tsubasa Handpuppets

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Still new to posting pictures here, but if it's too small here's the bigger version:

"What If Tsubasa Was A Handpuppet Show?"

It would probably still be better than the anime O_o

So, basically, the current arc has been pretty much angst from start to finish and everyone pretty much needs a hug after all the shit that's been going on in Tokyo. So I decided to draw something to lighten the mood XD

I realize this doesn't make sense because Kurogane is in his outfit with the blood on the back, yet Fai is still in his Rekoruto coat XD Screw timelines.

I didn't have any references for this, so I just drew their clothes off the top of my head. Also, the way I draw is pretty much freehand, I rarely do any outlines or sketchiness, so sorry for those damn erase lines.

I don't have enough faith in my skills to draw them seriously, lol.

Why handpuppets? I don't know. I used to watch the Muppets like a Nazi as a kid, maybe it's affected my adult life. *_*

I just saw your post on livejournal ^^
It's soo cute!! Kuro's expression is the best!

They're really adorable!  :tongue:

Hehe. The KxF LJ com and here are the only places I'm posting it.

Thank you!! ^__^

hahaha...really cute!!  :D
i really like it!!your drawing is good!!  :keke:
here,cookie for you........

Møon Li:
Waaa!!! how cute!! Ireally like it, good job :okay:


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