General Discussions > Anything goes...

Let's see your lovely faces!!

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Love your hair. X) I wish mine wasn't just plain black.. ;_;


--- Quote from: Kairi on May 26 2006, 05:20 am ---I got some pictures. I just did right now. Its really hot out today, and my freeze tastes good.

--- End quote ---

Aww your so pretty! You really have nice hair! :D

Aww Kairi your sooo much pretty <33

Here's a pic of me that my friend took yesterday!

Bigger version:


--- Quote from: Aya-Chan on May 29 2006, 03:01 am ---Aww Kairi your sooo much pretty <33 Here's a pic of me that my friend took yesterday!

Bigger version:

--- End quote ---
You look great!
your so lucky your good looking :P

I'm gonna try and get some pics of me up today.. soon maybe.

Hikari B.:
Kairi and Aya-chan have such pretty hair. ^_^ *inserts jealous mode* xD


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