General Discussions > Anything goes...
Let's see your lovely faces!!
You had ALL those guys to yourself, you lucky girl :P
Looks like you all had a great time!! Wish I had quality friends to do that with *envies*
awww cool photos everyone!
Razeasha , your hair! WOW! *___*
and strawberry XDD What fun photos! you look like you are having a great time! XDD
well, sorry folks, but I have more photos ^^;
The reason I have so many isn't because I'm arrogant or anything, quite the opposite ^^;
I am an art student and therefore always experimenting with photos, also Iam a memeber of a Livejournal community who are into Japanese music and fashion, and sharing photos of ourselves dressed up is common. I don't just do it randomly ^^; lol
This months theme on the community is 'Dolls'
so here's me following a 'doll' theme! ^__^
gothic Lolita anyone? ^^;
Beautiful costume Xiao_Lang-chan. It really suits you.
--- Quote from: Xiao_Lang on June 08 2006, 05:54 pm ---
Razeasha , your hair! WOW! *___*
I am an art student and therefore always experimenting with photos.
gothic Lolita anyone? ^^;
--- End quote ---
Thanks. I guess that's one of the few perks of being albino, I never have to dye my hair! XD
I have a friend in a digital photography class who doea crazy art pictures/animations. She is also in art.
I love goth-loli! When I go to Tokyo this summer, I plan to visit Harajuku with my freinds Harumi and Manami! I've been saving up, so I can buy a dress whan I go!
Nice pictures Xiao-chan! :D
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