General Discussions > Anything goes...

Let's see your lovely faces!!

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Aww..thank you!!  <3 <3  *glomps*  I highly doubt that though, Ashlee!!  =D  I bet your beautiful!!  Stop being modest~  ;P  XD

Love those pics Sya0ran! :D

Sya0ranĀ  you look gorgeous! ^___^ I think your hair is so pretty! *__*

On the 23rd of June It was my birthday, and one of my presents was a Tsubasa Painting from the person I love most ^____________^
It is quite big, and I took a photo of myself in front of it!

The painting is also on her DA account:
Its amazing to have the original! doesn't it look just like a print? *___*
It looks incredible next to my other Tsubasa stuff <3


Thanks guys!!  =D  You guys are too sweet!  Heehee.  Oh, my hair?  It was meant to look like the 70's hair that Jackie (That 70's Show) used to kinda have.  XD  Uhh yeah.

OMG.  Xiao Lang your gorgeous!!  Aww!  And I love the painting.  Your friend a did fantastic job~  <3

oh wow... everyone looks so nice!!
Light Angel  you look really pretty and i love that hat!

SyaOran you're cute and i liked the see no evil hear no evil one..

Xiao_Lang looks sweet  and those glasses are neat!


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