General Discussions > Anything goes...
Let's see your lovely faces!!
--- Quote from: ~Forgiver's Sign~ on November 12 2006, 08:49 pm ---aa... good! :XD:
._. arcueid said you look like harry potter
--- End quote ---
lots of people say one of the reasons i tried a new hairstyle, but i don't like changes so i'm back to normal hair XD
gene-chan your real pretty and hugable too *hugs*
Everyone esle is real pretty, but sorry I don;t have the time to comment on individuals ~ gomen....
Anyway I'm back from the London Expo, so I thought I'll show you the pics which I have taken. I'm the one in the Rinoa FFVIII cosplay, but excuse the poor attempt of the poor costume because I made it myself. The girl in the Dokoro-Chan costume is my friend Nat.
Finally, this must be the most cutest pic of the day
Ten-chan check! :XD:
I'll try to post better pics soon...
Ee~ Everyone looks so cool n__n
I dont think I've posted a picture of me before probably due to my inhuman ugliness. But since I have pics on my digi camera ( to use for references when learning to draw facial expressionnnss *nodnod*), which is plugged into the computer right now anyway, I should probably post something. These are from a few weeks ago I think. The calendar is still on October xD
Let's play 'spot the canon' =B
I have no idea what I'm looking at here. I look like Im trying to do the 8) emote
How do I convince mum to let me use her credit card to buy Tsubasa merch from Japan..?
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