General Discussions > Anything goes...

Let's see your lovely faces!!

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--- Quote from: ishiyaki on February 10 2007, 10:43 am ---TSU, YOU'RE REALLY NICE!!!!

as Sakura used to do, smile at bad moments!!

your hair, is it brown or middle-red?

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Um.. It's dark brown...
Hmm, I think I'll find a better picture ^^'


Well, here it is :) It's from almost two years ago, but still, it's me ^^


--- Quote from: Tsu-girl on February 10 2007, 06:39 pm ---*blush*

Um.. It's dark brown...
Hmm, I think I'll find a better picture ^^'


Well, here it is :) It's from almost two years ago, but still, it's me ^^

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Waaaa! you're really pretty in that pic! kawaii!


--- Quote from: ishiyaki on February 13 2007, 07:28 pm ---Waaaa! you're really pretty in that pic! kawaii!

--- End quote ---

*blush* Arigatou ^^

I've had lots of my hair chopped off since I last put my photo up. Here's me now

What do you think? It's not too short but I kinda miss my long hair.

@mia-chan- o__o you are really good looking- yeah your haircut totally suits you ^^- but please next time use a bigger picie *wink*-

@cami_calzone - ineed- you are a pretty girl ^///^ ~ and yeah you don't look your age

@tsubasaHime- for what i can see =_= you are cute <3 - bigger piccies next tine- or one that focus your pretty face :3

@kurowanwan- ahhh!!! ¨*huggles*- everytime i see a pic of you i like you more <3

@ishiyaki are sooo cute

well-- nobody checks this threat anymore so wtf-


clikcy to see a lil bigger

me again- i love my butterfly tatoo ^^;


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