Discuss: [Board Revival] Need Suggestions!
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Me too. XP
Lol moezy-chan and hikari, I'll post some pics as soon as I get my lazy butt off the chair i'm sitting on and recharge my Digital Camera, or put in some new batteries. I haven't used my cam in days >_< Don't expect some gorgeous or a movie star when I post my pics
Just call me a glasses girl with earphones and a ponytail.
I have no idea how to post pictures and I do not want to have to go to my bro for help since they might not want me to post a picture of myself over the internet. >.>
Me in my Syaoran cos! XDSomehow I like it...even if I look a little...silly?!^^
Wow! You are really handsome!! Lookin nice!
That's a really awesome costume!!! Now you need some goggles and you're set to help Sakura find her feathers!!