CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 24: The Group's Determination

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I complained about this episode in the other tread, and I agree with you others, it was horrible.

the fillers episodes is better.... even make me angry...
but,the  only i really2 angry is....Hien broke!!
why??!! its evil!!

Sailor Yue-chan:
the shots... syao and patch syao floating together.....................why the hell...kruo...yuuko.... :cry:

if you dont like it don't watch it. simple as that.

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: emxyeuxanh on October 24 2006, 09:27 am ---if you dont like it don't watch it. simple as that.

--- End quote ---
but what aoubt reading about it? and the screenshots. their horible, but its hard NOT to look as well >_<


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