CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 24: The Group's Determination

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--- Quote from: Tatasenko on October 30 2006, 08:49 am ---if this anime was a parody it would have been perfect,but unfortunately this is not the case :angry:

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Wait, it's not?? I thought it was... XD

I agree with the comentaries before, Kurogane and Fai maybe they could take a lovely tour to the country, and Sakura is the most... "mistress in danger" that i've ever saw.... And the drowings... be train is loosing the characters... I'm very furious because the've draw the 4 characters very bad!!!!

I watch all the King caos episodes I was hoping so kind of.... I have big espectations, but when i watch esp 24 and 25.... I was thinking, "bee train is going to spoil more and more the story, in the preview of ep 26 it was some kind of twisted X-Japan world dimention, of CSyaoran loosing complete control, like in the manga in the X world, but truly I hope I'm wrong, ant be train did't do this kind of "big assed stupid action in the story of tsubasa anime.

P.S. I know that tsubasa anime is going to the worst direction, I think we are loosing complete the anime.... but "posibly" change the most important part of the story, is imperdonable.

The characters really look different. Especially Sakura being more hairier around the face, Syaoran's messed-up hair and Kurogane's eyes. But I really "felt" the story, it was heart-warming and sad. I really liked Sakura's insert/image song!^_^~

They really kicked out X-world in this season, probably to avoid the bloody-ness, but I agree with most of you that this may have a different ending then the manga especially since it's ending in the next season. <They might cram eveything in the 3rd season

By the way, who's this Chaos person? I watched eps 49 and 50, but they didnt have subtitles on youtube.^_^''

I think they are going to explain about the Back ground of Caos in the last chapter, but, they can put the X world without blood, look the TRC manga and the anime, there's a lot of blood in some worlds in Tsubasa and in the anime, they continue the story but without blood, anyway we have to wait to the anime and then to the translation to nw what realy hapen.

Blood is rather essential to the story in the Tokyo world though.  You can't have an arm ripped off, neck slashed, or eye ripped out without it.  Plus the fact that there are vampires involved and the sharing of blood itself, means you can't really cut it.  The eye eating and blood sharing have to remain (how they would do this, I don't know), but all of the other gore being removed will cheapen the mood.

The only hope for a good portrayal of the Tokyo world is for them to change broadcasters, which I doubt will happen.  I rather wish that Tsubasa had been animated later than it was, that way those in charge would have gotten a better understanding of where this series was headed.  This isn't another Cardcaptor Sakura, I think that Beetrain and NHK forgot to check out the rest of Clamp's catalog of works to see what they are capable of.

--- Quote --- I was thinking, "bee train is going to spoil more and more the story, in the preview of ep 26 it was some kind of twisted X-Japan world dimention, of CSyaoran loosing complete control, like in the manga in the X world, but truly I hope I'm wrong, ant be train did't do this kind of "big assed stupid action in the story of tsubasa anime.
--- End quote ---

Nah, it looked more like they had just destroyed some buildings.  Tokyo's landscape is that of destroyed skyscrapers and sand.  I still have to wonder how it ended up like that, perhaps something like what happened in X did happen in that world?


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