AuthorTopic: Tsubasa slideshow/AMV made by me...  (Read 2273 times)

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Offline Cherry tiger

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Tsubasa slideshow/AMV made by me...
« on: October 27 2006, 09:44 pm »

You don't have to let go...

I made a slideshow which is more of an AMV type... cause yeah, I was following a pattern according to the song which I thought suited Sakura's current condition.

Anyway, it's also a tribute to Sakura and Our/Clow/Clone Syaoran... In which I still believe that Sakura really loves him.

I'll explain more later. I hope you enjoy it though.

cute little sis:Goku[cardcaptors_ria]
cousin: yume-chan

Need singers to sing my english version of any songs! Check out this blog to see the list of songs you can sing from and please contact me if you're interested! Thanks!

My fanfictions@My Music Videos (on Youtube)@My Myspace@My LJ