CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions
Chapter 133
thank you nefadol...but,i want to read it myself...
The memory of the body...
I think what might help understand that concept is to go back to remember what are some of CLAMP's most cherished philosophy/principles for life.
Of all the philosophies they have proposed, the one most closely linked to this concept would have been the same concept that was being dealt with in CLAMP's debut work- RG Veda and their most renowned tragedy X.
First of all, every action counts. This has been reiterated by Yuuko over and over.
Second, both stories talked about how the interaction of the people can alter the future. The love between Asura and Yasha was an example, and in X, there's always the motif of the grinding gears.
I think CLAMP do believe in fate with the Hitsuen idea, but they probably do not believe that fate is an absolute power, but rather, the series of interactions amongst the livings (hence, the gears in X).
Sakura's memory of the body... probably meant the role which she plays in each of the world she travels since she wakes up. Even a single action CAN affect the future, doesn't it?
Fei Wong, by obtaining the power to manipulate every dimension, would find it easier if there is just ONE PERSON who has played some kind of role in each of the worlds.
So basically Sakura is just being used by FW.
>:{ I do hate him. I can't wait until the next chapter comes out.
I do adore Sakura and Fay intereaction here. XD
So do you think Tsubasa is finishing soon. Now that the gang knows that FW need Sakura's body. I don't think that the guys would allow FW to get Sakura.
scans in english is out now!!
Sailor Yue-chan:
i didnt do them this time. their badly flawed, FWR's middle name and calling watanuki "this kid" rather then "this child" >_<
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