AuthorTopic: Disappointing animes from manga  (Read 4568 times)

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Disappointing animes from manga
« on: October 26 2006, 02:58 pm »
Now, we're all frowning lately from BeeTrain's treatment of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. With that in mind, have there been other animes that you have been disappointed with from their manga counterparts? Feel free to discuss and express your views and counterviews on those chosen and why you agree and/ or disagree with not so faithful translations of manga to video.

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Re: Disappointing animes from manga
« Reply #1 on: October 26 2006, 03:05 pm »

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Compared to the manga it just isn't as good.

Also any anime based off a CLAMP manga. The only reason I liked Season 1 of the TRC anime was becasue I watched it before reading the manga.  With all the others I tried watching them after the manga and was just disappointed.
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Re: Disappointing animes from manga
« Reply #2 on: October 26 2006, 03:12 pm »
Hmm,  well, continuing  with CLAMP, the X anime was pretty disappointing. The animation at points was awful, and they cut out too much of the story I think. The ending seemed contrived, and they made Fuuma seem less of a psycho who kills people to fulfill their wishes and more of a psycho who just kills people- thought the movie is a million times worse in that respect. I have to admit they did a -wonderful- job portraying Rainbow Bridge, but the aftermath of Rainbow Bridge wasn't so well-done. Of course, in the movie
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Subaru and Seishirou get killed off ten minutes into it. ><

Also with Clamp- the CGT anime had too much Nagisa. But then again I hate Nagisa. So yeah. xd But seriously- was the ridiculous amnesia episode really necessary?

In the opposite direction, I actually find the Revolutionary Girl Utena anime far preferable to the manga.
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Re: Disappointing animes from manga
« Reply #3 on: October 26 2006, 03:14 pm »
For me, I would have to say 'Rurouni Kenshin' later on in the series. The first 2 seasons were well done and followed the manga very close (keep in mind, I bought the manga after watching the anime series). The third and fourth season seem to steer away from the concept of the original story. Only later on did I find out after buying the manga that it was totally different. While the manga retained its storyline and charm, the anime had storylines involving of all things...magic. Truly not satisfied with the end but at least the first half of Kenshin was and still is a good watch.

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Re: Disappointing animes from manga
« Reply #4 on: October 26 2006, 03:14 pm »
I agree on FMA, it was good when I watched it, but over time its appeal has greatly waned.  I love the manga to death though, Arakawa is such a detail freak.  Besides, I wish the Xing characters had been animated, or the sea of blood for that matter. >_<

I personally think that the xxxHolic anime was a pretty well done Clamp adaption, it captured what I like about  the series (the individual stories, not the crossovers).  If only the animation had been a bit more consistent, but it's still leaps and bounds better than Tsubasa.

[edit] - Yes, the X anime pales in comparison to the manga.  Most of the parts of the manga that I loved were omitted and the ones that did remain were misrepresented. 
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Subaru's blinding and Seishirou's death in the same episode?  Injuries of that severity don't heal that quickly!  Subaru was in the hospital for quite a while and was close to death in the manga, it didn't make any sense in the anime.
  The Tokyo Babylon parallels being cut also annoyed me.

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Re: Disappointing animes from manga
« Reply #5 on: October 26 2006, 03:43 pm »
.hack//dusk(legend of the twilight) manga was a bit better then the anime. the music inm the anime was rather anoying, thoe the ED was beautiful (damn voice overs!) the only main thin in the anime that i did like was
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seeing Silver Knight again, tho he was "killed" <_<
the manga had a cute new character, Zeffie was really cute in her meloncholic way ^^
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Re: Disappointing animes from manga
« Reply #6 on: October 27 2006, 01:23 am »
Violinist of Hameln --- this anime is known for best manga ever but worst anime ever.  Although its a music based action adventure show, the anime simply ruined everything. animation was poorly done with lots of slide show scene.  Yeah the animators were lazy to make the picture move.  The worst of all they changed the story and the ending and forgot that humor element in the manga.

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Re: Disappointing animes from manga
« Reply #7 on: October 27 2006, 12:25 pm »
I thought the Naruto manga was better than the anime.  The manga is a lot more faster paced without so many annoying flashbacks.  There were even some episodes of the anime where the first ten minutes were dedicated to nothing but flashbacks of the previous episodes.  I think the manga's art is a lot better than the anime's too.  I don't like the choice of color palette Studio Pierrot uses for the anime and the eyes look much more weirder than in the manga, especially Hinata's.  I personally thought her eyes looked really creepy in the anime.  I don't really care so much about the music, either.  And then there's the annoying and useless filler-in episodes that the anime has.  I also thought the Chobits manga was better than the anime.  The manga had better pacing and I thought Hideki's character was developed a lot better.  The anime made Hideki too perverted and too stupid, IMO.  In the manga Hideki at least knew how to turn on a computer but he didn't even know that much in the anime.  The anime relies too much on fanservice (was a whole episode devoted to Chi buying a pair of panties really neccessary when the manga showed the same story in two pages?) and the ending was too rushed and cut out a lot of important plot details.  I didn't like Chi's Japanese VA very much, either.  She was cute when all she said was "chi" but when she spoke normally, her Japanese VA just sounded very bland and unemotional to me.

And while I actually liked the second season of the MKR anime better than the manga, I thought the first season was better in the manga.  I don't like how the anime changed Ferio's role in the series.  I didn't like the introduction of Inouva in the anime, either.  He served no purpose in the story other than as a boring deus ex machina who's only point is to make more filler-in episodes in the anime.  There are a bunch of other things I didn't like about the anime version of the first season, but they're mostly little things here and there that really bug me but are too much to list.  However, I didn't like the ending to the first season at all.  The anime took away all of the surprise of the plot twist by making the ending twist more obvious than the manga and the characters are just nowhere near as emotional in the anime's ending as they are in the manga.  When I first finished reading the first story arc of the MKR manga, I cried at the end but I never cried at all when I finished the anime version.  It just wasn't as emotionally involving as the manga.  And I thought the manga's artwork was a lot more detailed and more consistent than the anime's.
When her leathery, crow-footed face turned towards my raised hand and said, “Yes, the boy in the Sailor Mercury t-shirt,” I sprung into action. It took me a brief 20 seconds to acquire the bokken (wooden sword) I had secured to the underside of our chairs with duct tape the night previous. Shouting “Japan BANZAIII!” in the manner of those noble kamikaze pilots from the War of United States Aggression (so tactlessly referred to in your history books as “World War II”), I charged the stage, bringing down the bokken forcefully onto the plywood table in front of Tiffany Grant. It was a tragic mistake not to channel my ki correctly. The bokken splintered into a thousand pieces, leaving me with no other plan of attack besides shouting, “You’re no Asuka!” as two Ohayocon toughs escorted me out of the

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Re: Disappointing animes from manga
« Reply #8 on: October 27 2006, 01:35 pm »

And while I actually liked the second season of the MKR anime better than the manga, I thought the first season was better in the manga. I don't like how the anime changed Ferio's role in the series. I didn't like the introduction of Inouva in the anime, either. He served no purpose in the story other than as a boring deus ex machina who's only point is to make more filler-in episodes in the anime. There are a bunch of other things I didn't like about the anime version of the first season, but they're mostly little things here and there that really bug me but are too much to list. However, I didn't like the ending to the first season at all. The anime took away all of the surprise of the plot twist by making the ending twist more obvious than the manga and the characters are just nowhere near as emotional in the anime's ending as they are in the manga. When I first finished reading the first story arc of the MKR manga, I cried at the end but I never cried at all when I finished the anime version. It just wasn't as emotionally involving as the manga. And I thought the manga's artwork was a lot more detailed and more consistent than the anime's.
I kind of felt the same way with MKR. I watched the first season of the anime, then bought the manga and ended up thinking the anime paled to it. Reluctantly I bought MKRII and the difference in the story arcs were like night and day. Both anime and manga was up a notch but now looking back on the anime's first season, MKR was indeed lacking, especially the end.

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