General Discussions > Chains Board

The Question Game

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^ yes, two accounts to be exact XD.

How did you spend your Halloween?

in front of my computer,because Haloween is not anymore a popular celebration in France (certainly because we don't like playing with deads  :sweatdrop:...)

do you prefer to be with your family or your friends  :wink:?

mmm...sometimes friends, sometimes family, I'm not radical.

Do you prefer sushi or ramen? XDD

Well I have never eaten sushi so...

What is your favorite food?


--- Quote from: ~Forgiver's Sign~ on November 01 2006, 01:30 pm ---OT: :cry: Sakaki-san.. why aren't you logging in the forums lately, huh? :hehe: been so busy with Pikari-san?
--- End quote ---

Pikari and I are usually here throughout the day and night. Heh, we're just being sneaky and keeping ourselves hidden. ^^

Hmm, favorite food... Tacos are good. We just had some actually. ^^

Have you seen the giant chicken?


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