General Discussions > Chains Board
The Question Game
i know that teachers are all saying that studyng too much is not the best way to succeed in an exam,but in fact they know PRETTY WELL that pupils don't have the choice that to torture their mind,even if just after the exam they forget everything :dodge:
what is your favorite color of chocobo :keke:?
Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
Yellow, of course...but next would be the peach- or pink-colored one, the one you'd see in Legend of Mana :keke:
What are you most addicted to right now?
for now i'm addicted to the serie "Prison Break",but i read on the "up left down" topic game that you have never watched it,you really should :wink:
do you eat five fruits and legumes each day related to the nutritionists' recommandations :keke:?
no, in fact I rarely have any fruits or vegetables in a day ><, that's not good now is it? BUT I'm suppose to...and it's kinda troublesome since I live by myself
what are you studying right now?
i'm studying Yuuko's philosophy :haha: (XXX Holic could easily remplace school)
do you prefer literature or mathematic ?
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