General Discussions > Chains Board

The Question Game

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dunno.. but i think Touya is 18 y/o (?)

Are you surprised that i changed my set to something unrelated to KuroFai?

--- Quote from: Sandra-chan on November 13 2006, 12:49 am ---No.. (Is it good? ^^)

--- End quote ---
ofcourse, it's good! *points at sig* they're the main characters there! if you want to read it, go to this link:

Not really; the set is nice, after all...

Any good restaurants you've visited lately?

yup, It's called Sushi Yen's (or something XD)

do you think Mokona is a boy or a girl???? (I just don't know  :sweatdrop: )

Mokona is...genderless....^^ CLAMP loves genderless characters, like Ashura (RG Veda), and the angels from WISH...

what's your plan for today?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
finish a Filipino requirement...though making little progress... ^_^;

anyone bugged you today?


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