General Discussions > Chains Board

The Question Game

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we should suggest the pairing of Sakaki/Pikari to CLAMP,i'm sure they would draw a great manga about them  :haha:

what do you think of the moderators on this forum ? (be careful,they are spying you  :wink:)

hmm... i'm just going to mention the mods who i often see in the forums
Arcademan - the same way i feel for VexNet-san (scared of hime yet i think he's cool)
Okamirei - she's cool
Sakaki - i love her! she's one of the members who comforted me when this Fuuma/Kamui guy was annoying me
Pikari - i love her too! coz of her translations and she's the one who gave links to the drama cds.. Sakaki-san loves her! so i love her too!

my Fave mods are Pikari and Sakaki

Who are your fave mods?

hmm...its a really hard question...
my answer is all are my fave mods!!  :wink:

next!!what is the really funniest thing you ever saw???

you are torturing my mind,i can't remender everything...even if my life was far from being funny  :sweatdrop:

but the event which has really made me laugh to death was few years ago,in a winter snowy day,when my mother has warned me and my big brother to be careful outside because it was slippery,and that JUST AFTER saying this words she has slipped pathetically on the floor...she should have said nothing  :sweatdrop:

are you register on others forums ? (beware traitors  :haha:)

yes.. 5 all in all. but i'm only active in 3 forums

do you have a yahoo acount?


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