AuthorTopic: Chapter 134  (Read 54103 times)

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #20 on: November 07 2006, 09:25 pm »
I can't wait for Fai and Kurogane to have their confrontation! I want it to be really messy and angsty with lots of shouting! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd LOVE to see Fai slap Kurogane! (how mean am I XD)

And even if Fai were in love with Sakura in that way *gags*, he wouldn't be trying to make moves on her the second Cloneboy got out of the picture...

lol! Exactly!!! Sheesh! Syaoran's been gone for 5 minutes and already there are people wanting Fai to move in on his territory!! X_x

The way I see it, Sakura-chan is the only person Fai has left that he can allow himself to be close to.
Fai told Yuko that he "Didn't want to get close again.". Since it's pretty clear how attached to Sakura Fai is, it's safe to say that the kind of 'close' Fai is to Sakura (the sweet, innocent affections/devotion kind) is entirely different to the kind of 'close' he's trying to avoid being with Kurogane.

Fai's trying to push Kurogane away from him.
Syaoran is gone.
Sakura-chan is the only member of the group Fai has left. She's injured, upset and without Syaoran, of course Fai is going be there for her. Fai's been the children's emotional support throughout the whole of Tsubasa.

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Offline Giraffe-o-Life

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #21 on: November 07 2006, 09:27 pm »
Gah, I crave that confrontation. I want someone to say something (besides Yuuko, as much as I love her). Although, this is CLAMP we are talking about, and now that they gave us what we wanted in the chapters before this, I doubt they will give us anything any time soon :cry:
True, I'll be overjoyed when they DO confront eachother, but I'm determined to enjoy the tension while it's there, even if I feel like bashing Fay upside the head in the end. CLAMP still has a lot to do in terms of plot wrap-up, and knowing CLAMP, they'll probably save the Fay-Kurogane thing is probably very far away on their list.

Offline KratosAurion

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #22 on: November 07 2006, 11:40 pm »
*waiting scanlation*

are we going to get chapter 135 next week?

I can't wait for Fai and Kurogane to have their confrontation! I want it to be really messy and angsty with lots of shouting! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd LOVE to see Fai slap Kurogane! (how mean am I XD)

Um... that's not like Fai :XD:, he would use magic instead or something

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #23 on: November 07 2006, 11:49 pm »
*waiting scanlation*

are we going to get chapter 135 next week?

Um... that's not like Fai :XD:, he would use magic instead or something

Yes, I believe Chapter 135 is scheduled for next week.

And I don't think Fai would use magic just to hurt Kurogane...

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #24 on: November 08 2006, 12:13 am »
Hm, I'm not sure if CLAMP will save the KF stuff for soooo long... Fai has to get thirsty at some point and I don't even know if Kurogane will leave him alone until he notices it. He'll seek the open confrontation with Fai and sooner or later get it.
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Offline Sandra-chan

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #25 on: November 08 2006, 12:25 am »
I really hope the scans come soon!, I don't want to read the translation before they come...
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Offline kixie

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #26 on: November 08 2006, 12:41 am »
Hm, I'm not sure if CLAMP will save the KF stuff for soooo long... Fai has to get thirsty at some point and I don't even know if Kurogane will leave him alone until he notices it. He'll seek the open confrontation with Fai and sooner or later get it.

I agree, Clamp's doing what they did before, leaving this huge gap where Kuro and Fai hardly talk or have a one on one scene then later on, when we start to give up, they jumps out at us with it... We KuroFai fans have been spoilt BIG TIME these past few months.

But I'm willing to let them get on with plot for now, like you said Fai's gonna get thristy soon.

Offline KratosAurion

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #27 on: November 08 2006, 01:04 am »
I think we're gonna see Kurogane and Fai talking again sooner than you think... If Fai needs his blood to live, then I bet he's gonna get thirsty very soon. The thing is that he might refuse to drink Kuro's blood, and like Yuuko said, Kurogane can't force him to do so....

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #28 on: November 08 2006, 01:09 am »
I hope so, (that Kuro and Fai will talk to each other soon)... I don't want them to fight :(
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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #29 on: November 08 2006, 01:30 am »
I want to see more of Subaru, Kamui and Fuuma. And wonder where Seishirou are? I got the impression that he was going to show up soon.

I hope that Fai and Kuro get the chance to talk too.
Can't help being a hopeless manga/anime lover....

Offline Giraffe-o-Life

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #30 on: November 08 2006, 02:40 am »
And wonder where Seishirou are? I got the impression that he was going to show up soon.

I thought so too. I feel sorry for all the hardcore Seishirou fans out there: "They've landed in a world with almost the complete cast of X/1999?! SEI-CHAN!!!" *four months later* "OMG Where IS he?"

Also, if Fay and Kuro do talk, I hope it's because Sakura makes them. She already told Kuro to take care of Fay, so I'd like to see her tell Fay to stop being stupid and spend more time with daddy. In a completely innocent Sakura-way of course.

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #31 on: November 08 2006, 04:01 am »
I think that CLAMP is making a break from KxF, because there were lot's of hints in previous chapters, showing a little bit of their feelings towards each other.

And I don't think that Fay's line: 'my only princess' is bizzare. She IS a princess and I think that Fai will try to protect her even more now, seeing how Clone Syaoran is cruel and knowing that letting Kurogane so close was a 'mistake' (in his way of thinking). He wants to put all of his attention on Sakura - 'cause she won't hurt him in any way.

The really interesting part will start now - they will move into another world (I wonder, which one...) and they must to learn to cooperate and live with each other. I doubt it'll be easy...

(Sorry for my poor English :( )

Gomen for my bad english >.<

Offline Sandra-chan

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #32 on: November 08 2006, 04:05 am »
I think that CLAMP is making a break from KxF, because there were lot's of hints in previous chapters, showing a little bit of their feelings towards each other.

And I don't think that Fay's line: 'my only princess' is bizzare. She IS a princess and I think that Fai will try to protect her even more now, seeing how Clone Syaoran is cruel and knowing that letting Kurogane so close was a 'mistake' (in his way of thinking). He wants to put all of his attention on Sakura - 'cause she won't hurt him in any way.

The really interesting part will start now - they will move into another world (I wonder, which one...) and they must to learn to cooperate and live with each other. I doubt it'll be easy...

(Sorry for my poor English :( )

Your english is not bad at all! The opposite, I think your english is good :).
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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #33 on: November 08 2006, 04:14 am »
Your english is not bad at all! The opposite, I think your english is good :).

Thank You ^-^

Gomen for my bad english >.<

Offline Airashii

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #34 on: November 08 2006, 05:52 am »
I can't wait for Fai and Kurogane to have their confrontation! I want it to be really messy and angsty with lots of shouting! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd LOVE to see Fai slap Kurogane! (how mean am I XD)

lol! Exactly!!! Sheesh! Syaoran's been gone for 5 minutes and already there are people wanting Fai to move in on his territory!! X_x

The way I see it, Sakura-chan is the only person Fai has left that he can allow himself to be close to.
Fai told Yuko that he "Didn't want to get close again.". Since it's pretty clear how attached to Sakura Fai is, it's safe to say that the kind of 'close' Fai is to Sakura (the sweet, innocent affections/devotion kind) is entirely different to the kind of 'close' he's trying to avoid being with Kurogane.

Fai's trying to push Kurogane away from him.
Syaoran is gone.
Sakura-chan is the only member of the group Fai has left. She's injured, upset and without Syaoran, of course Fai is going be there for her. Fai's been the children's emotional support throughout the whole of Tsubasa.

Yes, Fai has been with Sakura and Syaoran through out the whole serious in both bad and good times.That's why he cares so deeply of Sakura, he loves her (but not that romantic type!) and he sees how pained she is. I think that Kurogane also cares for her a LOT, he just doesn't say it.  :haha:

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #35 on: November 08 2006, 06:37 am »
okay,so before discussing about this spoiler i have something to say...
i really don't want to be scandalmonger,but this the second time successively that someone open the topic for the new chapter  BEFORE the official scans are availabled!
i understand that some members want to delude themselves for having been the first one to post the link,but but this is totally pointless if these are only spoilers,even if it shows some incomplete scans,because it only means nattering for nothing  :shifty:!

i though that the moderators had been clear when they have cancelled the first topic for chapter 123,but since the one who has opened this topic too early is a newbie,i can understand that he wasn't aware of the rules...i just hope that this will be the last time,because giving false hopes to those who are starving for the sequel is a bit harsh  :sweatdrop:

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #36 on: November 08 2006, 06:44 am »
At least we had the translation.<D

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #37 on: November 08 2006, 06:54 am »
For some people it's helpful though, because they don't want to be spoiled and so they don't continue looking through the previous chapter's post.

Though it would be nice to have had the scans ^^;; there were a few people who hadn't known the translations were out yet.

Hmm.  So since the little talk is finished up this chapter we'll either be seeing them leaving or Seishirou-san will show up as soon as Yuuko goes and thus the Tokyo arc will continue!  As much as I would love to see Seishirou back in at least a little box of a drawing >.>....I have a feeling we won't see him 'til a bit later. Maybe he's hanging out with C!Syaoran xD.

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #38 on: November 08 2006, 08:38 am »
I want to see more of Subaru, Kamui and Fuuma. And wonder where Seishirou are? I got the impression that he was going to show up soon.

SAME.  Not NEARLY enough of them vampires.  :3  Me and my friend talked of the irony of Seishirou showing up just as the twins left, leaving Subaru to angst some more and Kamui to cheerfully flick him off.

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Re: Chapter 134
« Reply #39 on: November 08 2006, 08:44 am »
Me and my friend talked of the irony of Seishirou showing up just as the twins left, leaving Subaru to angst some more and Kamui to cheerfully flick him off.

Naaaaah... It would be too nice of CLAMP to do such things ^^'

Gomen for my bad english >.<