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Anyone have any pets?
--- Quote from: Sandra-chan on November 12 2006, 06:11 am ---I have three cats, Smulan(girl), Mumlan(also a girl) an Morris (a boy) :D
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--- Quote from: Lady_Spirit on November 12 2006, 06:13 am ---Yes it is sad. My poor doggy. We have to protect him from the cat.
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Aww...poor puppy...
I love animals with a passion, can't even kill a spider. ^^
I used to have a dog - a Swedish Lapphund - named Max (a terribly unimaginative name, I know, but he already responded to that when bought), but he had to be returned when I became allergic. I don't regret the short time I got to spend with him though, even if it means I'll never be able to own another pet. My allergy is quite mild, meaning I still can cuddle with animals, and I'm thankful for that. I do that whenever I get the chance. ^^
I take walks with the neighbour's Rough Collie regurlary, and I love that dog a lot (I consider him half mine ^^). He's really stupid, though, thinking everyone is his friend. I've actually had to restrain him by force from approaching big, angry dogs with bared teeth - he simply walks up to them, tail wagging, wanting them to play with him. And he's three years old. His stupidity is quite adorable, though.
I had a cat, Russian blue, girl, so adorable, named "Cari". But she used to go out too much to visit her "boyfriends" XD. But she once didn't return. I think someone else took her. She's pretty smart to let her being crashed for a car or something. Besides, there's a school near here. She was 4 years last time.
Bless you Cari-chan, love you :sad5:. I hope you're ok
I have birds : a pair of cockatiel (male and female), and lovebirds. this is the interesting parts, at first we only bought a pair of it, then they start having family ^^, 3 at first, 5 next, and finally in total, I think they are 10-13 lovebirds right now.
i use to have a dog but we had to give him away. :( now i have no pets...
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