General Discussions > Anything goes...

Anyone have any pets?

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MJ Walker:
I have a Pekingese, but it's like five years old aready. I try to breed him, but I can't find another pekingese. Gender: Female. Name: Sue

I have a cat and dog. ^^ And the cat beats the dog up a lot.
Like this morning the dog was too scared to go downstair because the cat was down there.
And he's not a small dog he's a rottweiler cross.

LOL how sad.....I have a postcard on my mirror that says "My cat can beat up your dog" lol...guess it really is true!

I have three cats, Smulan(girl), Mumlan(also a girl) an Morris (a boy) :D

Yes it is sad. My poor doggy. We have to protect him from the cat.


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