AuthorTopic: AirKitty's AMVs  (Read 3317 times)

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Offline AirKitty

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AirKitty's AMVs
« on: December 04 2006, 01:51 pm »
Well just decided to post up some of my amv's , and yes my username is Elie314. AirKitty and Elie314 are my main usernames.
So my personal favorite ones so far had got to be

 Colors Of The Wind( cause it was really hard to do and I like how it turned out)
 and Popular-Tomoyo style ( Cause it was so much fun to make and Tomoyo is one of my favorite charactrers)
link :

 Tell me if you want to see some more! all though they all arne't very good... :sweatdrop:
~Regular occurences at my School~
Friend:" You do know that your not sopposed to read magna for your reading list?"
Me: " Um.... um.... yea, but what they don't know can't hurt them!"
    Art teacher(with german/french accent)" NO!!! No Anime eyes! I hate them! Make recular eyes on your kite!"
Me: Grumble....Grumble.... Art Teach:" What was that!?" Me: "Nothing..."
        ~ When kite is done~
Friend:" thats anime eyes on your kite, Kelley." Me: " You know that, I know that, But she doesn't!"
 ~ this happens alot at my school~