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What was your most bravest moment?

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Thats brave, dissing teachers like that...don't do it in college if you have to pay for it yourself, kiss butt to most teachers, but to others....

I have a sexist Teacher in college, the other girls and I got together and got him back big time.

He thinks all woman should not have a higher education then middle school and belittles them ruthlessly.

What we did I will not say here, it wasn't to bad, but we did have about 150+ students help us, both men and woman. And we all got away with it...

I plan to be a teacher, I can't wait to introduce kids to anime and manga...

@ big bro:

that proves that we're really brothers and sisters! XD we make our teacher's life a hell! XD

Well this one is from a friend, it was brave for him, and funny as heck for me, here it goes...

7th grade when this happened......
Location: Boys restroom...since I'm a girl I was never able to see this fight.
It was a one man vs one man fight, with eight other guys watching the fight, my friend was the look out for the teachers, and blocked the door from anyother guys coming in.
Here's a side note on the door:
The door was a push and pull door, you push to go in, pull to go out, and in between the door made a triange when fully opened, and it stays open like that till someone closes it. Get what I'm saying?

Well as my friend was gaurding the door, someone told the five teachers showed up, pushing the door open with such force, my friend was knocked into that triangle space. While the teachers where getting the other 7 kids in order, my friend stayed silent until the teachers and other school boys left for the office to get the after school treatment.
The door closed
He told me he didn't move for a while, after all he was scared to death of getting caught, then he slid down the wall and sat down laughing a bit, ready to head for class, but the door opened again, it was a teacher. My friend held his legs to his chest as the teacher looked around, looking to see if any kids where left in the restroom. The teacher soon left, the door shut for the last time, and my friend got out of there and rejoined class.

He told me once he got to class, the teacher had yet to return, and being a small school 7th grade had about 13 boys and 20 girls, so 8 missing boys told a lot, what had happened. The teacher came back, and looked at my friend.
Now, I was a modle student, total BS, I just knew how to play the system and get out of it.
She asked him where he had been, my friend lied, and said he was there the whole time. She looked at me, and I lied as well, tell her he was with me, working on a history assinment. A girl everyone knew hated me, what I spoke my mind and called her as I saw her a total bit**,  told her I was lieing. The teacher looked at me and back at the girl, walked to the board and wrote her name down for after school stay as well.

My friend and I got off scott free.


--- Quote from: ~Bloody_Rose~ on December 08 2006, 03:29 pm ---@ big bro:

that proves that we're really brothers and sisters! XD we make our teacher's life a hell! XD

--- End quote ---

hahaha, indeed! XD

and i'm darn proud of what i did! *pose*

my bravest moments...
1-when dentist take me away 4 tooth... :sad5:

2-when I faced a teacher(woman) I had who wanted to force me to do stupids works for people I didn't know...I faced her in plenty class...she threatened me to call a psicologist or something that without telling it to my parents.  :angry:
What kind of teacher uses you as she wants??


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