My first thought while reading this chapter was - WHAT?! They have been there for three hole months? I got really chocked reading that........ Other than that this chappie was very well drawn, Sakura looked really determined and serious, Fai looks cool with his hair like that and R!Syaoran and Kurogane looks gret too. Where they in the world that we saw C!Syaoran be in in chapter 135? It seemed like it in Sakura's flashback. And well I didn't expect that they would fight that much in the world right after the tokyo/X arc.. Am I the only one thinking this chapter was a little confusing? It was all so sudden.. And a bit strangeÂ

maybe I feel that way because they were in X for so long that it feels weird that they are in a new world.... BTW will there be a break now? For how long?