You will be missed, I don't want you two to go, crys, I know what you mean, by the A.SS, but can't you just cancle his thing?
When I 1st saw Captured Wings, I saw how nice it was, for many people have just got into Anime or Manga, I have been in Anime since 1994, and never joined any forms because many people where just crule, mean, or just plane stupid because others didn't support a certin fandom or what not.
Then their are the people who get to power hunger, name being witheld on who he is, since we already know. So this is a bashing for him, I say we, people of the form, kick him out, block him out, where he has no controll over anyone or anything. How much do you bet I'm going to get spamed by that A.SS with this, have a warning, then this post going by-by because it dosen't fit his thing. I say its time for a revolution people, by help getting rid of said power hungy mad man, that is if he dosen't get the stick out of his A.SS, says hes sorry and back the f**k off, and resigne himself, after all, I would love to help run this site, I just don't want him to run it. I'm sure other fans would agree, the fourm is for fun, not to diss anyone who has little or lack of anime/manga in their life or where they are from, or even what anime or paring they like.
Pikari, Sakaki, Jeannette, and many others of the good people who read this, find your own voice, like the three mentioned above, and do whats right, because I'm going to.
Good Luck