General Discussions > Anything goes...

Notice from Pikari and Sakaki

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We, Pikari and Sakaki, hereby notify CapturedWings that we resign from our positions as moderators and as members of this forum. Due to ongoing personal harassment by a certain moderator who will not be named, hereafter known as WARLOAD, and due to the fact that we can no longer sit by and watch other members be threatened, ridiculed, and harassed by said WARLOAD, we can no longer remain on this site. Over the past months, the hostile atmosphere instigated by said WARLOAD (hereafter known as A.SS for short) has continued to grow with posts like the ones linked. This moderator has considered himself above the rules of the forum by repeatedly breaking these rules (spamming, double/multiple posting, flame-baiting, stalking, among other things) and arbitrarily making up rules to harass other members of the forum, locking topics and giving warnings for no reason, and has personally threatened members with comments such as “deal with me.” Said A.SS has gone so far as to copy and paste members’ posts for the sole purpose of mocking them on other forums,  and personally threatened other moderators both on the forums and in moderator topics not viewable to general members.

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--- Quote from: Arcademan ---'ll post where I please because I am who I am. Trust me...don't go down that path. You want to discuss the petition, fine. If you want to discuss me, do it somewhere else. Thank You.
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--- Quote from: Arcademan ---Keep going down this path and I will have this thread locked, despite your best intentions...and no, I don't get warnings for provoking people.

Next person goes off topic and want to add their 2 cents against me will get a warning.

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--- Quote from: Arcademan ---Thread locked...because nobody, including other moderators, do NOT make changes after I've done it.

Do it again and you'll have to deal with me.

Next time, try wording your post better so nobody misunderstands it.

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--- Quote ---Perhaps it's time for me to step down because I have no intent of backing down from any comments I make here. Only thing I'll say is certain people act like spoiled children and I treat them as such.
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--- Quote ---Gee...slight disagreement going on here. I'm surprised...NOT!!!
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--- Quote ---Which may be true but you'd be surprised on what I'm capable of doing.
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--- Quote ---And if it starts happening again in this thread, it will be shut down, whether anyone agrees or disagree.
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--- Quote from: Arcademan ---What idiot locked the original merchandise thread?!!

I have some to share however I refuse to do so until the original thread gets unlocked. There is absolutely no reason for it!!!
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--- Quote from: Arcademan ---Thread's all cleaned up. Continue on with the campaign and don't let my feelings deter you. My mind games are over and all but one passed it.
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--- Quote from: Arcademan ---Do what you need to do, the decision stands. You were told not to continue the off-topic conversation twice and refusing a direct order from a moderator of the forum, you were place on warning. It will stand for 24 hours. The thread has been cleaned up, my original post stands and all other off-topic conversation deleted. Continue on with the thread however if you want to continue attacking my viewpoints there, the next warning will be longer. Thank You.
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--- Quote from: Arcademan --- Heh. I make comments less critical than the quotes and the person who posted it now wants my head on a platter for bullying everyone in a forum I won't mention here...and will do everything in her power to have me stripped of my powers.

 Since I help finance the forum and also have talked to the owner...unlikely.
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--- Quote from: Arcademan ---And to think, the little she-devil who posted the petition is on a campaign to rid my likes from CapturedWings (I'll go ahead and name the place, why not?) The thread got locked there, the person warned and now sends me threatening PMs. I always enjoy a good laugh before I head on to bed
--- End quote ---
Read more  here and here

Due to all of the above mentioned (hereafter known as BULLSHIT) and said moderator’s complete lack of respect for other members, going so far as to call them “inmates”, as well as administration that refuses to do anything about it, we can no tolerate said BULLSHIT, as we expect many other members of this forum have suffered equally, as you’ll notice threads that have been locked, trashed, or disappeared without explanation. We therefore take our leave, effective immediately, and invite any others who have been threatened, belittled, or harassed to do the same, and find another forum where egotistical, rude, behavior is not tolerated.

I personally am leaving as well. I'm tired of this idiocy. It's ridiculous that nothing has been done before now.

I personally also noticed said mod's rather rude behaviour and at first I was surprised that someone acting like that is an administrator - I always thought such people would follow their own community's rules and be a role model for everyone.

I will leave this board as well. I loved it like nothing else but sometimes you also have to take inconveniences to start a revolution.

It's really time to leave, this is nothing more than a playground for said person in the camouflage of a TRC board.

You will be missed, I don't want you two to go, crys, I know what you mean, by the A.SS, but can't you just cancle his thing?

When I 1st saw Captured Wings, I saw how nice it was, for many people have just got into Anime or Manga, I have been in Anime since 1994, and never joined any forms because many people where just crule, mean, or just plane stupid because others didn't support a certin fandom or what not.

Then their are the people who get to power hunger, name being witheld on who he is, since we already know. So this is a bashing for him, I say we, people of the form, kick him out, block him out, where he has no controll over anyone or anything. How much do you bet I'm going to get spamed by that A.SS with this, have a warning, then this post going by-by because it dosen't fit his thing. I say its time for a revolution people, by help getting rid of said power hungy mad man, that is if he dosen't get the stick out of his A.SS, says hes sorry and back the f**k off, and resigne himself, after all, I would love to help run this site, I just don't want him to run it. I'm sure other fans would agree, the fourm is for fun, not to diss anyone who has little or lack of anime/manga in their life or where they are from, or even what anime or paring they like.

Pikari, Sakaki, Jeannette, and many others of the good people who read this, find your own voice, like the three mentioned above, and do whats right, because I'm going to.

Good Luck

I will definitely join the new forum. Wholeheartedly agree with everything that's been said.


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