As per United State's law, it is ILLEGAL to post links to websites that have copyrighted material or pirated or uploaded episodes of anime's that are currently LICENSED in the United States of America.
This forum is located on a US server, that mean's this forum falls under the United States Copyright Law, and that law forbids anyone from owning a website that has links to copyrighted material without explicite permission from the owners of said anime.
This forum has rules about this, and those rules are clear: No posting links to websites with ILLEGAL downloads.
I am very much saddened that NO ONE here bothered to report this to a moderator seeing how posting these links was not only in violation of the rules, the ToS of this forum, AND the US Law, but could've potentionally have gotten Sli and Little-wolf IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW!
Posting links to sites such as and such that have the dvd's for sale is allowed.
Posting links to illegal sites is not allowed.
Now, back on topic