... ... ... *grins*
Wind! Water! Heart!
By your powers combined, I am Captani PlanetKOOLSNOWBALL!
...I'm sorry, that was way, way too hard to resist. XD
*ahem* Anywho, my favourite, me-based charactes all kinda match different elements, Ari - Fire, 'Ri - Earth, Anna - Air, but sometimes water... And sometimes I have another character that takes Air and...
Ooh, wait, this is about me. And myfavourite element?
Hard to pick. I like fire, 'cause fires are fun to start, and I'm apparently immune to heat around here.
... Whatever.
However, I like Earth. And Water. Earth moreso for plants and stuff, as I'm kinda... Paranoid or something about getting dirty, at least/moreso for my hands... And Water, I love swimming, and all those underwater... Well, coral reefs, even rivers and weeds in lakes... It's like another world down there. But I'm incredibly nervous if I'm looking down into deep water and can see the bottom. I don't care how 'cool' it is, it really, really creeps me out, I don't know what could be down there...
And, okay, to be fair and balanced, I guess I could say I like wind 'cause flying is awesome, but I'm really scared of, uh, heights. Like, looking down off a building (or sometimes stairwell), without a guardrail/wall... Idaknow. But I don't really realate to it that much.
Earth and Water. That's me, baby.
... I'm sure there's another joke I could make here, but I took too long on this thing already.