General Discussions > The "What" Board

What is your favorite element?

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According to my friends, I'm supposed to be a mixture of Earth and Fire. Tho personally I like Fire. *gets fired up at compy freezing on her :angry:*  Yup, I'm definitely the fire-type :sweatdrop:

Ruby Chan:
Hmm...water. It's tranquil, but dangerous at the same time

i cant really choose *ruffles thru hair*~~!!! i like all of em...the strengths & weaknesses....

earth, wind, water and fire *sings*

Pure Heart:

--- Quote from: VexNet on April 24 2005, 11:07 pm ---earth, wind, water and fire *sings*

--- End quote ---
hey, choose one or two, not the four, loll^o^'


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