General Discussions > The "What" Board

What is your favorite element?

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mine would be wind!!it is somekind of mysterious.......nah!not to mean like that!i mean,i really like wind!it is fun & relax when wind blows........i also like ice.turn my friend to ice human!!  ^__^

Wind. But wierd enough, everytime I snap my fingers it starts to rain...^_^~ <sometimes...if I really wish it or I feel sad in a way.


--- Quote ---btw, you have to choose fire, water, wind or earth
--- End quote ---
if only those, water. if all, darkness!! *does evil laugh!*

I'd have to say either water or earth. I've been known to spend hours and hours in the pool just swimming back and forth underwater. But then again, I LOVE earthy stuffs. Trees and grass and flowers, and BUTTERFLIES are love ^__^

My favorite element is water


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