Im just wondering, does CLAMP ever repeat things like that? [meaning, do they make the son follow father's footsteps sometime?] ^^;;
I don't recall very much of that. The closest thing I can think of is Tomoyo's love for Sakura's which parallels their mothers' relationship. As it has already been discussed, CLAMP seems more fond of having the son cause the downfall of the clan rather than follow the father's footsteps. ^_^'
I don't really think Kurogane and Fai can be called 'friends'. Even if you don't see them as being a romantic couple, their relationship isn't really reminiscent of friendship.
That being said, I think the eyepatch is a coincidence. (Waaah, off-topic, sorry!)
Word. I've said it before: two key components of friendship are
1. ease of communication, and
2. lack of tension. Kurogane and Fay fail at both.
Also, there are no coincidences, only Hitsuzen.
But yeah, I don't really think eye-patch guy is all that important.