General Discussions > Anything goes...

What happened here?

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How come I go away for a while and now everybody's gone. This place is abandoned. I'm so sad. What happened here?  :cry:

Forums off-line for more then a week.

- Topic moved to Anything Goes

this forum is not is really DEAD!
nobody has posted on the new topic of chapter 139 since more than half a day,this is unbelievable...and even scary  :surprised:!

i know that many menbers were coming less often than before (like me  :sweatdrop:),but i hope that this week has not been fatal for the forum...but i think that we have just to wait a little more longer,i'm sure that many fans has not yet realized that the forum has come back  :okay:

Seems like after CWF went offline everyone felt too tired of waiting. Maybe it's up to the people who know to tell everyone participating here that the forum's up again.

Møon Li:
But the good thing is we are here hehe... I think the others will come in a while ^^


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