CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
--- Quote from: suu_no_clover on August 30 2007, 09:54 am ---R!Syaoran seems only to remind her of how much she misses her Syaoran, the clone.
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R!Syaoran reminds her of her Syaoran? Umm.. but.. R!Syaoran actually -IS- her Syaoran. He is the one she originally fell in love with. Since it was his heart in C!Syaoran all along. It was only in C!Syaoran's body temporarily.
In fact, it's not just the heart that's shared. He even shares the same memories as the clone (well, okay, plus extra ones from before he was captured). So he can’t just remind her.. He is.
And I don't see how she could miss her Syaoran, either. He never went anywhere ^__^ Everything she loved about about C!Syaoran/her Syaoran is in R!Syaoran RIGHT NOW.
The only question I see is whether or not she has realised all this yet. Sakura’s thoughts/feelings right now are a bit of a mystery.
--- Quote from: suu_no_clover on August 30 2007, 09:54 am ---Also, if Sakura cared about R!Syaoran over C!Syaoran, she wouldn't have left R!Syaoran. If R!Syaoran was the one she had come to care about, she would've just made sweet monkey love to him, and he could cry with joy like a good little uke all throughout
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Lol. Greeat. I now have that image stuck in my mind xD
But I have to disagree. She left in order to change the future – and I think that’s reason enough to leave. It doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t care about him as much or anything. If it had been C!Syaoran there in place of R!Syaoran I imagine she would have done the same thing.
--- Quote from: suu_no_clover on August 30 2007, 09:54 am ---Only problem I have with that possibility is that it kind of kills the possibility of later fanfics. XD
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…You underestimate the power of fan brats and their love of reincarnations…>p
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---They are soulless beings yet don't go around killing people that get in their way like C!Syaoran does. The Mokona's were created things too yet it's obvious they really care about everyone. So I don't think it's fair to compare him with the other created beings as they're all very different cases.
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Oh, I love it when you fight for my causes with your eyes closed! xD
Exactly as you say “created.” Mokonas were created by Clow and Yuuko a certain way just as C!Syaoran was “created” by FWR a certain way~
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---Well thats the thing.. It's not certain that she is. How long ago was it that she said about getting his heart back? Back in Tokyo, wasn't it? She may have had countless other visions and suchlike since then. How do we know she hasn't changed her mind? Time itself could have changed her mind.
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“She hasn’t said anything” So again, you fight both sides of a cause. Lurve.
But I think it’ her actions and motives in this case that speak louder than words. After all Yuuko said that Sakura is waiting for C!Syaoran in that dream and that is why she choose that place to go to. Of all places she wished, that was the one she took her 50/50 chance on.
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---I really can't see it being that easy. I just.. can't.. CLAMP didn't make C!Syaoran a heartless Clone for nothing just so that he could become his old self again
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We shall certainly see…
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---R!Syaoran did insinuate it, though.
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Insinuation. Common device to throw off reader and make them think what they want. Just as, you mentioned, everyone believed they knew exactly what Sakura was about back in Infinity.
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---Sorry T_T I didnt mean it to come out like that *feels bad* Please forgive me?
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*sigh* I’m so lenient with you…. xDDD
I’ll resist the urge to take any of your eyes.
Humorous how we’re ultimately facing each other over a pairing…aren’t these boards usually used for telling why we love them? Not talking about their existence and legitimacy? LoL.
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---I just meant that in contrast to the Clone and Sakura there was a much greater sense of teamwork between R!Syaoran and Sakura, I felt.
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This is exactly what I don’t like about them. It’s outer work (surface value, almost only for the sake of a nice panel of them) but there was a deeper sense of bonding and understanding between Syaoran-kun and Sakura that R!Syaoran and her haven’t even come close to having. ((by the way, back when we were talking about visions, and when Sakura entered the arena and touched Fay’s hand and you thought she might have had another “sight” …do you think she’s been able to get pieces of R!Syaoran’s life in the same way…? Some looks gave the impression…))
And where was the team work and the trust when he kept grabbing her? He doesn’t know her, it’s as simple as that. Syaoran-kun could let her be her own person because he was with her in a way that was more than watching.
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---I guess I just didnt like the way C!Syaoran nearly always acted as her protector rather than her equal (which Sakura wanted him to be)
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It was one of the dynamics they were trying to overcome in the relationship, though. It’d be very stale and unreal if Syaoran-kun believed he, a parentless commoner, could be with a Princess and so he loves her in a way that he‘s able to. People seem to skip over the facts that it would just never happen in real life, mostly because they see Syaoran and Sakura and it’s all “Oh! Together no matter what!!” Sad to see you skipped over it too…
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---Also.. it sounds really stupid saying it but I feel like Cloney has had his time now.. hes had his 15 volumes of happiness..
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*buries face in hands*
You know I think what you just said is made of so many levels of wrong so I’ll just add R!Syaoran takes the face of someone who lost everything according to his will opposed to someone who never had anything to begin with. If there truly was nothing in his life then he wouldn’t be able to even approach the witch because he would have nothing worthwhile and he wouldn’t have the motivation to. R!Syaoran is a perfectly full person and I only see him as a common friend who cares for everyone.
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---He shouldn't do that. Remember when Sakura told Fai in Infinity to not smile if he doesn't want to? And also when she said "at least let me worry" to little C!Syaoran? If he is not happy, he should not smile and pretend everything's fine when it's not. Unlike that, R!Syaoran is a very honest guy.. he doesnt feel like smiling so he doesnt. He allows her to see how he's truely feeling and thats a more truthful relationship, dont you think? No good can ever come from lying or pretending.
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Now this is just very humorous to me!! *giggles*
You say you don’t like the fact Syaoran-kun should only smile to make her happy yet you DO like the fact that R!Syaoran keeps his distance and doesn’t press his love because it would upset her. *burst into giggles* It’s the same thing!! Rather hard to fight against motives of a person who shares a soul, ne? Even going into your CCS!Syaoran, he smiled for Sakura and held back his love (oh! Dishonesty? Just what you accuse Syaoran-kun of…?) to makes sure that Sakura is not troubled over the rejection.
On another point entirely Syaoran-kun was honest with her in Clow, because he was her precious friend then (the whole lonely scene…?). He can no longer be that person and he HAS to hold himself back from being the one in her forbidden memories because she will pass out at any mention. It’s really the saddest thing that the two cannot discuss their feelings and are forced to walk on tip toe around each other and YET---here’s a part I love---despite all these boundaries and barriers they were still able to fall in love with each other on a while different field and hold a new relationship together once more!
--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---Btw, just finished holic the other day. New OTP yays! Watanuki x Kudakitsune FTW! They are so in love! xD (Im only half joking)
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--- Quote from: redeternity on August 30 2007, 08:22 am ---As for instances that make me love it..
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I don’t think it’s right for me to argue any of your reasons (you should know by not I’m ready to say so many things xD) since they are your true thoughts instead of theories like we’ve been aimlessly going on about so I’ll just say I do understand why such things would make you support the idea <3 Opposed to the first time someone talked of a R!SyaoranxSakura possibility and I seriously thought it was a crack pairing ^^;; Which is why I’m going all 20-questions on you because I never thought of it before it was mentioned and don’t understand it to be honest.
OT but have you been reading TRC since it was first serialized too? Or did you come in at a later point in the story?
Random = Lol. My spell check has the term “C!Syaoran” in it for some reason and it was trying to replace R!Syaoran with it…My computer doesn‘t like R!Syaoran….>.>
*hugs* I’m going to be gone for two months starting Sunday, Red-chan!!! ;_;
I’ll PM you about it later~
*resists urge to comment on your comments to Suu*
Though I will say you go against you own ideas by saying he’s the same but saying that the things Syaoran-kun does you don’t like :/
Going to put my first thoughts about Holic that I didn't put in my last post:
1. What Yuuko said about the egg… She said “something that is meant to be one is now two” (she might have actually said this in TRC too cant remember -.-) and was also referring to the Syaorans at the same time. And then she said it was “that person’s (FWR) fault”. “Changing other people’s paths… collecting souls… breaking the world’s order…” My conclusion = Cloney was never supposed to exist since it is stated that Syaoran was meant to be one, and that by creating a clone FWR has interfered and changed paths.
But the whole interfering thing doesn’t fit with the “everything is hitsuzen” rule. Explain plz CLAMP.
2. Also those wing things which attached to that girl. I got the impression that Fei Wang created them.. Interesting.. Could this be related to the tube scene and the wings growing on Sakura? So will she lose control of her emotions once they grow on her back? But then there’s one thing I don’t understand.. the wings are supposed to suck out the soul from the body, right? Then why are they actually growing on Sakura’s soul itself? Hmm..
3. Finally, why was Yuuko in another dimension when R!Syaoran visited her shop to go to where C!Syaoran was? Why was she protecting herself from him? Or had she just lost her umbrella and didn’t want to get her hair wet?
--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---“She hasn’t said anything” So again, you fight both sides of a cause. Lurve.
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--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---Insinuation. Common device to throw off reader and make them think what they want.
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Maybe so. But it still seems pretty crystal clear that that’s what he was trying to do if you ask me. He said what I quoted (about killing him if he continued to be a created thing acting widly and forcefully) WHILST getting his sword out and then attempting to kill him. It’s not so much an assumption on my part - it is the same as saying “I plan to kill you now because you are still the heartless feather-hunting thing you were created to be”. Moreover, he seemed perfectly ready to kill him and would have done so had Sakura not screamed to them to stop.
We are never going to agree ^__^
So basically we can conclude that I think C!Syaoran=doomed & he can never go back to how he was.
Whilst you think C!Syaoran=grown his own heart? (but it’s not there at the moment or something? I confess I’m a little confused exactly what your theory is actually)
--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---aren’t these boards usually used for telling why we love them? Not talking about their existence and legitimacy? LoL.
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Well it is a general syaoran x sakura thread, right? :D
--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---It’s outer work (surface value, almost only for the sake of a nice panel of them)
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--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---((by the way, back when we were talking about visions, and when Sakura entered the arena and touched Fay’s hand and you thought she might have had another “sight” …do you think she’s been able to get pieces of R!Syaoran’s life in the same way…? Some looks gave the impression…))
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Do you mean seeing parts of R!Syaoran's life when she touched him or when she touched Fai?
If you meant the former, no I didn't.. but interesting idea. I got the impression that she got a vision from touching Fai in Tokyo due to his large amount of power, though? But thats just the impression I got. And I don't think R!Syaoran has fully regained his power back yet (otherwise he would have been the one to be stabbed by Fai).
--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---And where was the team work and the trust when he kept grabbing her?
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Nothing to do with trust. He doesn't know how to communicate his feelings so he ends up doing things like that in an attempt to tell her that he cares about her/doesn't want her to go etc
--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---People seem to skip over the facts that it would just never happen in real life
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Um.. Since when has TRC ever reflected what happens in real life? If so, then why do people have swords coming out of their hands, and memories appear in the form of feathers? >.>
And btw you saying about the relationship being unreal made me realise that that’s exactly what I don’t like about their relationship. It felt very much like a fairy-tale type relationship. (even though the manga itself is of the fantasy genre the relationships/characters themselves should not also be fantasy-like). And even though they did face mini hardships like the whole “woe! I’m a commoner and she’s a princess!!” and “woe! She’ll never remember me!!” you knew that ultimately everything would be alright anyway.
It’s what I don’t like about C!Syaoran too. I don't mean to insult but he's very much the “ideal guy”.. so much so that it’s unrealistic. I’m sure you’d disagree with me, though. R!Syaoran is just more human than C!Syaoran to me. He’s more believable as a character.
Just out of interest, which do you prefer - CCS!Syaoran or C!Syaoran? And I forbid you from answering "both"!
--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---You say you don’t like the fact Syaoran-kun should only smile to make her happy yet you DO like the fact that R!Syaoran keeps his distance and doesn’t press his love because it would upset her. *burst into giggles* It’s the same thing!!
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Not quite the same. I meant about him pretending everything is okay when it’s not – and that’s what I don’t like.
--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---I seriously thought it was a crack pairing ^^;; Which is why I’m going all 20-questions on you because I never thought of it before it was mentioned and don’t understand it to be honest.
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So do you still think it's crack?
R!SyaoranxSakura has just as many valid reason for ending up as the canon pairing as C!SyaoranxSakura does IMO.. Besides, if CLAMP wasn’t playing out the whole which Syaoran will end up with Sakura thing then why would they do splash pages like this
--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---OT but have you been reading TRC since it was first serialized too? Or did you come in at a later point in the story?
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I came in much later. But I did actually discover TRC just after it’s 5th or so chapter was out in Japan. But back then all I could find was raws. Besides that I didn’t really understand what it was either so I just kinda forgot about it for several years. Then later I discovered the anime, and started watching not really finding it all that great but since it was Syaoran and Sakura I watched it anyway. Then it was around the time the Tokyo arc was ending that I started to read the manga and then the very first chapter that I followed along with everyone else was the very first Infinity one. So I haven’t really been following it that long.
But wow you’ve been reading it since it was first serialized?
--- Quote from: Mari on August 31 2007, 02:24 am ---*hugs* I’m going to be gone for two months starting Sunday, Red-chan!!! ;_;
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2 Months???! :'( K, I'll reply in the PM.
On the other hand since I’m going back to college in just over a week, I'll have less time to spend online anyway. Not only that but I think our debate is very much going around in circles because I've run out of arguments and have nothing much else to add so I keep repeating myself lol. Hopefully by the time you come back though there will be more info.
Sorry for double posting (almost 2 months later lol) but the damn thing won’t let me modify my last post anymore, which is so annoying!
Basically.. I just randomly read over what I said and, ugh, I officially don’t know wth I’m talking about -_- ..I contradicted myself (again) when I said about the whole unreal relationship thing. I’m such a moron >< Just ignore that entire paragraph xD
..I noticed my grammar was also bad. I should really check over what I’ve written properly before I post..
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