CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02

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--- Quote from: redeternity on August 06 2007, 02:57 am ---Gone for the whole week??!!! NOOOO!!  :cry:

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Crap load of filing = seclusion.
I’ll be on to spam you PM box but not as much~

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 06 2007, 02:57 am ---And yeah.. how did she know about Cloney's birthday being April 1st?? Unless he told her at some point during their travels and I missed it.

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Apparently Syaoran-kun told her back in Piffle (ch137) O.o Wasn’t she supposed to faint or something….and why the hell did CLAMP exclude such an adorable moment from meeeee >.>

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 06 2007, 02:57 am ---And Watanuki just can't remember him because his feathers got sent across alternate dimensions xD for some reason.

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*pictures Watanuki with wings*
*brain ded*

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 06 2007, 02:57 am ---Worst case scenario: R!Syaoran is FWR's son xD But the only way this could be possible would be if his mother was extremely beautiful and he got all his genes from her lol.

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--- Quote from: redeternity on August 06 2007, 02:57 am ---Looks like the syaorancest community at LJ is members only though. Drat. I don't even have an LJ account - I'm too shy lol.

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Ah, right.  I forgot.  >.> Since I’m a member I don’t even pay attention xDD
…shy?  EXCUSES!!!

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 06 2007, 02:57 am ---And ZOMGJSKDHGBEUSINKLD!!!!111 That Syaorancest fanart!!!! *saves* Thanks for sharing! I need more!! xD I suddenly have the urge to draw my own fanart of them.. shame I can't draw very well  -_-

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Maybe you can use your amazing Paint skillz….DO IT!!! 8D

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 06 2007, 02:57 am ---On a sadder note, I notice that the Flouritecest community has more members than the Syaorancest one. Seriously, wtf is going on?? Syaorancest is love! Syaoran is love! <3 <3 I hate you TRC fandom! *sulks*

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Because now there’s two Fay’s to love xP

In an attempt to steer our conversation back OT *shifty eyes*…. I was thinking about this…what did you make of Subaru knowing who Sakura’s most precious person was???  She didn’t even seem to know right away until he started nudging her that he wouldn’t return…


--- Quote from: Mari on August 06 2007, 12:20 pm ---I’ll be on to spam you PM box but not as much~

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You can't spam me much. I'm only allowed 5 PMs ^___^.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 06 2007, 12:20 pm ---Apparently Syaoran-kun told her back in Piffle (ch137) O.o Wasn’t she supposed to faint or something….and why the hell did CLAMP exclude such an adorable moment from meeeee >.>

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What??! How was that ever there?? I swear that panel with the picture of Syaoran and Sakura in piffle was never in that chapter of 'holic when I read it before!! Eh, oh well. Lol.
Annnyway, speaking of missing scenes, I've been thinking that there might be quite a few more scenes CLAMP hasn't shown us. For example, I noticed this a while back but.. here (top right panel) it really looks like Sakura-hime has another premonition after touching Fai's hand. Yes/no?

--- Quote from: Mari on August 06 2007, 12:20 pm ---…shy?  EXCUSES!!!

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Heh, I actually am kinda shy. Why do you think I lurk so much? *blush*

--- Quote from: Mari on August 06 2007, 12:20 pm ---Maybe you can use your amazing Paint skillz….DO IT!!! 8D

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Is that an order? xD
Alas, my drawing skills on paint are worse than my drawing-on-paper skills. The lines come out all wobbly and I'd go insane after about 5 minutes or trying to keep a steady hand.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 06 2007, 12:20 pm ---In an attempt to steer our conversation back OT *shifty eyes*…. I was thinking about this…what did you make of Subaru knowing who Sakura’s most precious person was???  She didn’t even seem to know right away until he started nudging her that he wouldn’t return…

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Hmmm I never really thought about that before actually! You could also ask the question how he knew Syaoran wouldn't return (meaning that he knew Syaoran was a clone and the seal was breaking). I guess.. because he has power? Because the powerful people in Tsubasa can seemingly figure out anything. e.g. Yuuko already knew what was most important to Syaoran, Fai and Kurogane without having to ask them. Or alternatively maybe Subaru just saw another Syaoran and Sakura together whilst he was travelling with Kamui. If so, I wanna see them too! (Thats another thing.. Will the TRC gang ever run into another world version of themselves? And why is it that this has not happened already?)
<random>Btw, did you know Subaru was named after a car?! xD I saw one the other day and I was like ZOMG IT'S SUBARU! How have I never noticed this before??</random>

I'm interested to know your opinion on this... What did you make of what Syaoran said back in chapter 134 about something he wants to get back: here and here? He is definately staring straight at Sakura when he says it.


--- Quote from: redeternity on August 07 2007, 08:22 am ---You can't spam me much. I'm only allowed 5 PMs ^___^.

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Ahahah.  You newbie >D

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 07 2007, 08:22 am ---Annnyway, speaking of missing scenes, I've been thinking that there might be quite a few more scenes CLAMP hasn't shown us. For example, I noticed this a while back but.. here (top right panel) it really looks like Sakura-hime has another premonition after touching Fai's hand. Yes/no?

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I’m sure there’s multiple scenes CLAMP forgot to put in hasn’t shown us xP  I know it’s hard, since there’s already so much going on, but I wish they would learn to incorporate these things in the story because they end up looking like plot holes >.>

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 07 2007, 08:22 am ---Heh, I actually am kinda shy. Why do you think I lurk so much? *blush*

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--- Quote from: redeternity on August 07 2007, 08:22 am ---Is that an order? xD

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--- Quote from: redeternity on August 07 2007, 08:22 am ---ZOMG IT'S SUBARU! How have I never noticed this before??</random>

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LOL!  I always think of that Subaru when I see the car too =3

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 07 2007, 08:22 am ---I'm interested to know your opinion on this... What did you make of what Syaoran said back in chapter 134 about something he wants to get back: here and here? He is definately staring straight at Sakura when he says it.

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I guess it all goes back to the “I have to get it back, no matter what” then “will he make it in time?” and then “he didn’t make it in time” and other various mentions  Nothing seems to lead to Sakura directly (he only looked at her with the protect part) and nothing seems to make sense of having to be there in Tokyo to get something back in that moment unless it’s having to do with Syaoran-kun….

And so then Mari started thinking about eyes xP
(just using C! and R! to reference bodies)

C!Syaoran has R!Syaoran’s LEFT eye in his RIGHT eye
R!Syaoran has C!Syaoran’s RIGHT eye in his RIGHT eye

After Toyko:
R!Syaoran has his LEFT eye in his LEFT
R!Syaoran still has C!Syaoran’s RIGHT eye in his RIGHT eye (which seems to be effecting him recently...)
C!Syaoran has “a LEFT” eye in his LEFT
C!Syaoran has Fay’s LEFT eye in his RIGHT

Where the hell is R!Syaoran’s RIGHT eye???

What’s more, it seems R!Syaoran’s LEFT eye has the ability to see in the dream world Sakura and Watanuki frequent

This then goes back to the “to go to the person who this right eye came from” where we were all thinking shouldn’t it be “to go to the person who has this left eye?”  So I guess we can assume R!Syaoran TOOK the right eye, and placed the seal and a piece of his heart in there instead?  Explains why the kid can’t see at all…

Also in Syaoran-kun’s dreams it’s strange that C!Syaoran is imaged like R!Syaoran. With where the patch is on his eye?  If it was truly C!Syaoran and Syaoran-kun were one in the same, then shouldn’t he have a patch over his other eye???  And you can tell who is who because R!Syaoran has his tattoos on and C!Syaoran doesn’t have any.  Not to mention it’s odd that C!Syaoran and R!Syaoran both call Syaoran-kun “Syaoran” in the dreams (Which brings to question, if it was only a piece of a heart that made up Syaoran-kun, I don’t think R!Syaoran would be calling him “Syaoran” )

The looking the same thing really makes little sense unless R!Syaoran had “pycho nature” in his body the whole time, and the seal was just ensuring that “pycho nature” couldn’t get to Syaoran-kun’s body….Because apparently, according to C!Syaoran he’s been “waiting for so long…”

What does this all mean? I wish I knew

I suppose I’m saying it’s more likely, at this point, that R!Syaoran is looking for his right eye opposed to trying to get, for instance, a relationship back with Sakura.  Maybe his right eye even has something to do with her though and it’s a danger to her and that’s why he’s protecting her.  unless she has the right eye in her along with a piece of his heart LOL.

But then you start adding in  Sakura’s “From now on, you can be free” and I have no freakin’ clue what’s going on >.>
...and it probably has little do with eyes but...I was on an eye high >P

There's still so much missing and that's why I'm finding it hard to believe that R!Syaoran and Sakura will be together.  That and the fact I get creeped out  that R!Syaoran would be wearing Syaoran-kun's clothes from Clow *shivers*

On another note, I wonder if Sakura is 100% sure that her Syaoran's heart is still out there....and I wonder if it has something to do with her power to "hear lonely voices/those who have no voice"  I was sort of thinking about that since I saw this splash with Syaoran-kun when he was younger and it said "Even if this body should meet it's end, these feeling alone will remain in a corner of the world"

Personally, I agree with redeternity. Unfortunately, I have nothing to add to the conversation since everything's already been laid out and we won't know any more until CLAMP tells us. I have been a fan of Syaoran since CCS as well, so I may be biased in my favoring R!Syaoran. I just found the clone one-dimensional, creepy, and artificial from the beginning. I was like-what has CLAMP done to Syaoran!? Then I found out about the whole R!Syaoran/C!Syaoran thing and I'm like Ohhh, so that's why I felt that way.

If C!Syaoran had grown a heart, even in the slightest measure, I don't think R!Syaoran would've tried to kill him. He seemed to really care for his clone like a brother, so I think he really tried his best to make sure there wasn't anything there before he tried to kill him. He was obviously very upset at the prospect of killing him, but he didn't want the heartless clone killing anyone. R!Syaoran would've tried to subdue the clone in some other manner and not tried to kill him if he really believed there was even the tiniest seed of a heart there.

Plus, if C!Syaoran has his own heart, then he's not really a "Syaoran" at all, he's someone else-a completely different person. I have wondered if CLAMP might do that-the clone's body will "die", but his heart that he grew (if that turns out to be true somehow) would go into another body (Watanuki maybe, though I would rather him be with Doumeki). That would mean no Sakura x Syaoran in TRC, it would be "whoever the clone ended up being by growing his own heart" x Sakura, and as a Sakura x Syaoran shipper, I'm totally against that. :p

Another thing I almost forgot- What happens if what you're saying is true and C!Syaoran regains his "lost" heart? He'll have the memories of killing countless people. Even if by some chance, his heart doesn't remember the murdering because it was the clone "program" doing it, he'll still feel the intense guilt and pain deep inside I would imagine. He'll live his life with Sakura, but have nightmares forever about the things he did. I just can't see C!Syaoran getting "his" heart back as a good thing. His body has committed countless murders and god knows what else, and if he finds out he was given his heart initially by R!Syaoran, I just can't see him being happy about that. He will be a very sad person, and become much different than the one you all seem to treasure.

Plus, the shameless fangirl in me is like "R!Syaoran is more interesting and angsty and hot!" Squeee! Plus, wouldn't it be hot if C!Syaoran and R!Syaoran merged, complete with (Touya x Yue)-like "almost kiss" The Syaorancest-shipper in me's yummy!

...and I know CLAMP will develop him more as the chapters go on. He's still the cutesy, blushy guy that his half-self was. R!Syaoran has those aspects of his personality, but isn't showing them for Sakura's sake, the situation at hand, and maybe for his own sake as well. Everything is just too angsty right now to not be emo. I think once Sakura's body and soul are reunited and Celes is finished that R!Syaoran will start showing his personality more and showing those aspects which were displayed by his clone. Maybe that's the main reason (other than the mood at the time) why CLAMP didn't show drunk R!Syaoran-it would show those other aspects that were in his other (yang) half. ("yang" is C!Syaoran before releasing the 1/2 heart to R!Syaoran as opposed to R!Syaoran-pre-getting-his-other-1/2-heart-back as "yin"---they are 2 opposing halves of the same person) CLAMP is really big on yin and yang, aren't they? BTW, yin and yang don't refer to "good" and "evil" at all. I keep seeing people posting that...

I just wanted to exclaim my support for R!Syaoran, and I ended up writing so much. Sorry for the rambling...  :sweatdrop:

R!Syaoran x Sakura forever!
(although a little R!Syaoran x C!Syaoran fanservice would be the cherry on top! XD

Wow. It would be nice if people would act like adults and give a reason as to why they would give negative feedback to someone who is only expressing their opinion. I have nothing against anyone, yet so many people seem determined to test the limits of my depression.
Then again, the whole "cookie" system obviously wasn't created by mature adults. It's a "high-school-esque" popularity contest, and god knows I'm not even in the running in those in real life. Why do I even bother getting up in the morning I wonder?


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